Echoes In The Air, Silent In The Night

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The city's lights sparkled to life with huge arrays of neon colors as people walked hurriedly to their destinations while cars drove from left to right, making the city's streets as busy as usual. Street lights flickered in alleyways, showing ever so often the different thugs from gangs that lived throughout the city, awaiting for the perfect opportunity to rip out each other's throats. Their ferocious glares and sneers warned anyone who dared to walk past them.

   The air was heavy with the night's freezing temperatures, making puffs of smokey hot air blow out of strangers' mouths, like bellows of smoke from the snout of a fire breathing dragon. The puffs of warm air drifted off into the cloudy night sky, beautiful in it's own making. The moon being the only thing from space to show through the thicket of darkened clouds, it's fullness lighting ever so slightly the suburban areas on the outskirts of Gotham City.

   Arkham Asylum showed through the mist which covered the waters that parted the small island from the city, ensuring that whoever there that tried to escape would have a hard time getting into Gotham, the waves crashing into the island's sides as if the waters' strength could overcome the brawny cliffs and the secureness of the island.

Batman stood still upon a brick covered roof, patiently waiting for the arrival of Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman. Robin stood there alongside him, his frown giving way to the irritation he felt as he knew how late it was, and yet there was no Catwoman to be seen. His brows furrowed as he waited for any signs for the cat burglar.

"Why exactly are we waiting for a crook to show up?"

   The smaller male spat, his voice showing evidence of disgust. He didn't think it was right to get help from someone that they arrested and sent to Arkham countless times before. It felt so wrong and unnecessary to him. Batman didn't look back at the younger male.

"Catwoman is checking up on Poison Ivy. Making sure that she hasn't been getting into trouble while trying to see if she has heard anything. Be patient, Robin."

  Batman said to Robin, veiwing the landscape before them. He understood why the other male was so against the entire idea of having a villian help them, but he also knew from years of experience that this time it was the only choice they had. Robin looked away in frustration.

"Tch. But isn't Nightwing already doing something like that? This is all a big disaster. Why couldn't we get someone else to do something as beneficial? It would be way more convenient, and we would have someone to trust instead of liars and theives who will infiltrate our minds and play us like fools, leaving us like sacks of pathetic idiots after they pillage whatever they want from us because we handed ourselves over without a fight!"

  Batman always found Robin's choices in vocabulary amusing, but tonight was not a night to be amused. Instead he gave Robin a cold hard stare and looked back at where the theif said she'd be.

"Nightwing is busy working on the streets, trying to catch wind of what Joker is planning, asking civillians and the police alike if they've heard anything. Red Robin is scavanging the internet, going through reports and databases that are global to find any clues that might help us. Red Hood is doing the same as Nightwing, but working in from the inside, getting crooks and other villians to talk. We need Catwoman to talk to Ivy because she is the only friend that Poison Ivy trusts that isn't currently in Arkham Asylum. She is our best bet at getting information from Ivy. So in a strange way, it is convenient. More so than sending in someone that barely knows how to talk to her, or grab Harley Quinn from Arkham to do the job."

   Batman said calmly. He had more to say on the matter, but he didn't feel like arguing. He doubted that anyone knew Joker quite as well as he did, but then again, that wasn't saying a lot. Batman knew that Joker wasn't up to his usual tricks. Otherwise he would be a lot easier at being figured out. But Joker wasn't playing any games. For once, Joker didn't want to be found. And that was never good.

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