chapter two

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"I think you should go back, Honey. I might help with your grieving process. You came this far and maybe if you go through some of the items, you might find some kind of closure in it all." The blonde woman sighed, putting the now dry pot into the cupboard at her feet.

"I don't see how any of that would give me any type of closure, Liz." The man snapped, running a hand down his face, "I just know how it would help me now, when it sure as hell didn't help me then," He sighed, adjusting the tie around his neck. He leaned back against the counter, "But, you're right. It's been too long and I'd be lying if I told you I haven't thought about it once or twice since we've been here."

Little did she know, he was lying through his teeth. Once or twice. He almost laughed at the thought. He'd thought about that storage unit all day, every day since the moment they crossed that damn town line. How could he not?

Elizabeth rounded the counter and stood in front of him. Squeezing his shoulder, a smile tugged at her lips now, "I know."

She gave her husband a look, her hand resting on his cheek and he leaned into it easily, "that's why I brought it up. You've been staring at that picture for weeks and I know the anniversary is coming up soon. I just thought--"

The man smiled softly as he drew his wife in close by her hips, "How did I ever get so lucky?" He asked, watching her, "I'll be back in an hour or so," he kissed her briefly, "I love you. Oh, by the way," he laughed, his thoughts jumping around, "are we still on for that barbeque later at the Briggs' place?"

"Yes, I told them that we'd be there around eight. I'm glad you reached out to them. I think they really appreciated it, Josh." Elizabeth adjusted her husband's tie correctly and she laid a hand on his chest, "Now, go! I can't stand to see those pouty eyes. You'll make me cry and then we'll surely look a mess for dinner."

Josh laughed as his wife dramatically covered her eyes with the back of her hand. She pushed him towards the door before giving him a sweet wave. As he got into his car, his mind wandered back to the last time he'd been at that unit; the laughter of his friends still echoed in his head.

His heart dropped when that door came crashing down. He did everything to get it to go back up, even cut his palm on a screw that was sticking out.

Before he knew it, he was pulling into the familiar storage yard. Getting out of the car, Josh took a deep breath, the memories bouncing around his skull. He could still hear the pounding on the door as if it was happening all over again.

Pulling the key from his pocket, he twisted it in his hand. His thumb rubbing against the number. He slid it into the old lock and braced himself. He hadn't been back there in over seven years. Pulling the door up, an infamous voice echoed straight through him.

"Josh! The door-- Oh, thank God!"

Instantly, his arms were full of a small blonde, babbling about the suffocating space. She rambled about how she was never going to forgive him...about how mad she was. When the voice finally registered, Josh fumbled and almost dropped the girl all together.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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