The Best Day: A Short Stories

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She watched the horses in the corral, running, their gorgeous manes flowing in the early May air. As she watched the girls riding their horses she felt the sharp pang of jealousy and longing.

All of Alyssa's life(that she could remember), she had wanted a horse. No matter how many times she begged and pleaded, her parents would not budge. The closest she probably ever get to owning a horse of her own, was her Breyer horse model collection, and watching the girls at the stable down the road from her house.

One day, she was watching lessons at the stable, watching longingly as the other girls pranced around the arena,practicing jumps.The coach watched the girls closely, telling them what to they were doing wrong and right. Sure the coach had noticed the little brunette girl watching them. Now, though the coach, Suzanne felt a surge of sympathy for the girl. She had been in her shoes once.

"Jose, go saddle up Cupcake." Suzanne told the stable hand.

"Si, senorita." Jose replied, hurrying off to saddle up the stable's most steady horse. The coach approached the little girl. Alyssa looked startled the coach had noticed her.

"Hello."Suzanne told the child.

"Hi..." Alyssa said, shyly.

"Would you like to ride a horse?"The coach asked her. The girl nodded skeptically, but joy was written all over her face.

"Come in! Jose is saddling up Cupcake for you!" Suzanne invited.

"Will it cost anything?"

"No! I will give you free lessons from now on, but you have to be willing to clean stalls, and tack." Suzanne said leading Alyssa to Cupcake, since Jose just brought her in. The girl's outfit was ratty. A size too small t-shirt, filthy tennis shoes, and jeans with holes in the knees. Suzanne decided she must live in the lower class neighborhood a block over from the stable. The girl smiled and walked over to Cupcake, gently stroking her neck. Jose and the coach helped Alyssa into the saddle. She took off like a pro. \

"Thank you!" She squealed at Suzanne.

"You are welcome." She replied smiling. This was the most joyful day of both of their lives. 

Authors Note:

Sorry that this is terrible. I wrote it in like the 8th grade and clearly I was a mess. Who am I kidding? I still am a mess. 

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