lavande, rouge à lèvres, et l'argent

11 3 7

      She took a deep breath and brought the cigarette to her crimson red lips. Her room was dark and the only light was emitted from the old fashioned lamp that rested on the cherry wood writing desk. Her diary was opened to the 20th of February, exactly a year ago today. It had been the first time she had ever visited Paris and the first time she had ever truly been in love. 

      Taking a long drag, she flicked the cigarette aimlessly. The room was French country style and smelled of lavender. The sky outside of the window was shimmering with the lights of Paris in the distance. Tears welled in her green eyes, but she refused to let them fall. 

      She had been in love. Wildly and blissfully in love. 

     He had been in love at the beginning. All too quickly he let his feelings for her go. 

      He had used her. Lied. Cheated. Then he gave her a wad of crumpled bills and left. As if she were just a hooker that he could find on any sketchy corner. 

      She looked at the same wad of crumpled and faded francs tucked neatly in the spine of her diary. The tears in her bright eyes quickly went from tears of sadness and shame to anger and remorse. She blinked three times and took another drag from her cigarette. 

      She hoped this trip would provide some closure to the gaping wound in her fragile heart. Yet, so far all the visit to the city had done was evoke the pain deep within her. Sighing and exhaling the smoke, she made her mind.

     The only way to move on was to spend the money and find a light in the city. This city that she had arrived starry eyed to a year ago. She needed to regain her starry eyed manner.

      Extinguishing the cigarette in the ash tray she turned off  the lamp and was ready to rise and try again. 

Authors Note

I wrote this based on a prompt I saw on Pinterest. I was supposed to include:



(the lipstick is mentioned through her red lips)

Crumpled money




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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