Part 13: happily ever after

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This will be the last and final chapter for this book but don't be sad because I will have a new book coming out soon. I'm not gonna reveal the title it's a surprise

Italics is french

Previously on " Brotherly love ❤️ "

Principal: would you tell me what he's been doing to you?

Me : he's shy around people so he's gonna need a minute. Also he's only gonna speak french so I'll have to translate

Larry: ...

I look at món frere and say

Me: Larry you have to tell her so she can help, okay?

Larry: * whispers * okii * looks at the principal *
He pushes me into the lockers, he calls me... b-bad words.

I translate for her what he's saying...

Principals: you can say them,honey

Larry: h-he calls me a faggot, and a frigga

Principal: a fri-gga? What is that?

Me: it's a french black person accept instead of black it's the N-word.

Principal: oh okay * looks at Grayson * so this is what we do now? We call people out of their race?

Grayson: idc, he's french isn't he?

Larry: but that doesn't give you the right to call me that * he says angrily *

Grayson: * laughs * what did this freak say?

Me: first of all he's not a freak we are french for god sake. And secondly he said that you don't have a right to call him that. And he's right. If I see you near my brother anymore I will beat your- * i stop and look at principal hall for permission to threaten him.

Principal: * nods*

Me: I will beat you up okay? Is that clear?

Gray: ooo I'm scared * he says mockingly *

Principal: if I see you near them you will be expelled from this school, is that clear?

Gray: yes ma'am * he says mad *

Principal: also I will have Larry and Laurent bourgeois escorted to and from each of their classes to make sure you don't go near them

Larry: thank you so much principal hall

Me: he said thank you principal hall

Principal: you're welcome sweet heart

End of previously

* Next day *
• Saturday •
Larry's pov

So yesterday day Grayson caused a big scene in front of everybody and ended up getting slapped by my brother. I was laughing on the inside. Then we got called to the office and Grayson thinking he was gonna win ended up losing haha. Anways it's Saturday and I wanna thank my brother for being by my side through this whole thing. So I'm gonna take him out to dinner. But he's gonna be surprised because I'm not telling him anything. So I call him down In french

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