Chapter 2

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When I opened my eyes again I was in a place that looked like a makeshift hospital, with divided curtains and rows of narrow beds. I knew there were other families here because beyond the curtains I could hear people talking and could hear the distinct sounds of mothers trying to comfort their crying children.

Suddenly I looked around in a panic.

"Where's Noel?"

"I think they took him in another truck. My mother answered.

"Dad?" I asked, fearing I already knew the answer.

"They shot him, honey." My mother's voice was quiet and stoic and either of us had yet to cry, it seemed we were both still in shock. For now, all we could do was hold onto each other, for a long time we just sat on a bed and hugged.

After a while when the hubbub in the barracks (for I had realized that's what they were) had died down. I looked around, my grandmother was in a far bed close to the door in our section. She appeared to be asleep at the moment her clothes were rumpled and she had bruises all over her face. In the opposite corner of the barracks looked to be a camp stove where people were gathered around and something was simmering in a pot on top of it.

A  woman came up to us. She appeared to be in her late thirties or early forties, was about as tall as my mother with short red hair.

"I'm Wendy, we're making a pot of stew with our rations if you care to join us, I bet you're hungry."

It was then I realized how hungry I was, my lunch and pie with Noel seemed hours ago.

My mother introduced herself.

"I'm Julia and this is my daughter Kara, unfortunately we lost my husband when they brought us in."

"We think they took the man to another camp, though we're not quite sure where. It's mostly women and children here and the elderly if they kept them alive."

My mother and Wendy shared a very serious look.

I thought to ask Wendy if she knew where Noel was but figured she didn't know.

A short time later, everyone was seated around the camp stove on whatever chairs they could find though many people sat on the cement floor. People either sat in silence or were exchanging information in quiet voices. I let my mind wander. I seriously was worried about Noel, but I wasn't going to tell my mother that no one understood how much I cared for him. That feeling that made me want to search the world until I found him, praying he was still alive.

When I looked up again my mother was coaxing my grandmother to eat something. My grandmother's only comment was the stew wasn't very good, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

I made it my goal when I could get away to find Noel, I had to, that much was clear.

Everyone turned in for bed at around 7:30, it seemed early but Wendy and the others that had been at the camp longer said it was necessary because they were up by 5 AM or 5:30. The day started when the guards said so.

So I turned in for the night despite the fact that people were still burning lamps in a few corners of the barracks. Even the children had settled down and finally the last of the lights was extinguished and the barracks descended into darkness and silence. I drifted off, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

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