Chapter 7

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After the failed escape attempt fiasco because that's what it was Luka actually apologized and discreetly handed me a note the morning after.

Sorry about the way things went last night, bad timing. At least no one got shot. I'll do better next time.


I shoved the note into a spare pocket, after everything that had happened it was going to be a long day and possibly a long week.

In the meantime, things were going from bad to worse. The men were staying hidden in the back woods as much as they could, I hadn't seen Noel since the escape attempt and figured he was with the others lying low. My grandmother's health was getting worse and our conditions weren't helping. She was barely hanging on but there was so only so much rationed food and water could do, she needed her medication and a doctor.

"I don't know how much longer she's going to last, Kara. It's a wonder she's lasted this long... stubborn old goat," she chuckled weakly. She sighed. "We have to get out of here and tell the authorities, for real this time."

I only nodded. I looked around the barracks where children and mothers were fitfully sleeping, or there were people like my mother and I that were awake talking quietly.

"We need a better plan," I muttered, "one that just doesn't involve running, we need to trip their alarm system or something so they have a reason to panic and be distracted. If they panic we have a real chance of escape and getting help."

By now, the weather was getting cooler. It wasn't bitterly cold, as California hardly ever got snow, except for the high mountains. But with the changing temperatures no one was ready for it we were all dressed for consistent warm weather not for cooler temperatures coming down off the mountains which were more persistent as the days got shorter.

At this point, we had been at the camp about 4 months. For a while I didn't even think about the escape plan except for making sure people stayed alive, I had taken to taking supplies to the men in the backwoods when I could get away and our days were a well-worn routine. I didn't have a reason to panic and move forward with the escape until a few months later.

As usual, as had been the case since the day I had been abducted from the restaurant, Noel was my motivation.

I found Noel one evening coming back from the swimming hole. I had gotten pretty adept at getting around our curfews without anybody noticing, and while I didn't do it every day it came in handy when I wanted to take a "shortcut".

I took the long way around back to the women's side of the camp and as I did so I walked by the mud pits where the men had been. From the main path no one was visible except for one lone figure slumped against a tree. He was being guarded by the pit bulls (Lucy and Harmon according to Luka) but they didn't seem to have much of a job considering the prisoner was hardly moving, even from a distance the dogs looked bored and lay with their heads on their paws.

The dogs only looked up as I approached, they didn't growl because at this point they knew me and didn't perceive me as a threat. Clearly as far as guard dogs went they weren't very good.

The female, Lucy, wagged her tail in a lazy sort of way and Harmon gave me a look then returned to lying with his head on his paws.

As I got closer I realized the prisoner's entire head was encased in some sort of metal mask. It made my stomach turn. I let out a horrified gasp when I realized who had been subjected to such cruelty. The figure's eyes fluttered as he tried to focus on me and though he could barely move his mouth he managed a few words.


A pair of blue eyes stared out at me and even though his face was still dirty and scraped I recognized my best friend.

"Noel?" I crouched down in front of him. "What happened?"

"... Caught me... Didn't shoot me... Chained me here... With the dogs don't know... How much longer... Weak..." His voice came out a raspy croak, even hoarser than the last time I had heard it.

"I got to get you out of here!" I replied in an urgent whisper.

"How?" Noel wheezed.

I stared into his eyes.

"I'll find a way."

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