Lost and...

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Connors POV~

I haven't seen Skylar. She wasn't at the "apollos rising" where the whole Apollo cabin watched the sun rise. Normally Skylar is the first there. But she wasn't. Maybe she is sleeping. She did seen tired yesterday. Hm. I walked into her cabin. "Skye?" No answer. I went to her bed. It was covered in photos of her and other people. But there was 12 photos of Skylar and I. And about 30 pictures of just me. I don't remember these? Did she. Did she sneak these? She's way too funny.

But she wasn't in her bed. I am getting worried now. I ran out the cabin asking Will if he has seen her. And he hasn't seen her since last night. Thats when i started to panic. I ran the whole camp checking everywhere. I was near the My dads cabin when Travis saw me. "What's wrong?" "She's gone." I tears ran in my eyes I was about to run off when Travis grabbed me and held me back "NO NO I HAVE TO FIND HER I HAVE TO-" I yelled and struggled against him when he pulled me into a hug saying "it's alright okay? She's a tough girl. We will find her." I nodded "let's tell Chiron" Travis said and I nodded again. He slung his arm around my shoulder and walked to Chiron.

Once we found him Travis spoke so I wouldn't have to. "I camper has gone missing and there is no trace of her." Travis said with a straight face. Chiron said "do you know who it is." Travis nodded he told him it was Skylar and Chiron became more worried. Chiron had basically taken in Skylar. He treated her as if she was his daughter. He looked out for her and have her advice. And hearing that she's missing he did a good job of keeping it together. "Go consult the Oracle, Connor. Maybe she will let us know any in formation." I nodded and walked up the winding stairs. I got to the to where there was many artifacts and items from different quest'. Then I saw the skeleton.

"Um. Hi Oracle. I wanted to ask if you know anything about Skylar going missing?" Green smoke camp from its mouth and where the eyes should be glowed green. In a snake like whisper it said "The daughter of sound. Who is lost. Shall be found. Three will go. On an old boat. To find the girl and an old foe." the smoke stopped and evened out then dissapered. I went back to Chiron. I recited the new prophecy, I said "'the daughter of sound. Who is lost. ' sound that's Skylar! And it says 'shall be found' Were gonna find her!" I said happily. But the Chiron said "but three have to go and we will find an old for but I'm not sure who?" Travis said "the 'old foe' is probably the one who took her" thinking of someone taking my Skylar made me shiver.

"We'll who are the three going?" Chiron said "I have to go." I immediately blurted out. Chiron nodded. "But who else?" I said "we should get the heads of all the cabins and tell them" and so we did. They all agreed on taking Travis, Percy, and I. Travis and I always have to be together on quest. It comes in handy having a twin.

We packed today making sure we have everything we need. I'm still afraid. Like what happened to her. And what 'old foe' took my China doll? That has become her new nickname. She loves when I give her cute pet names. We will set out tomorrow. I miss her so much and I really hope nothing happened.

Skylars POV~

It's dark. No. It can't be dark I don't like the dark. It cold here. And scary. It just like my moms basement. I forgot how I got here. No wait. Come on Skye remember. Ok. I was sleeping when someone opened the door. Yeah. But then my mouth and nose felt fuzzy. I passed out. When I woke up I was in this room. So dark. Just a small window in the metal door. That is hell by metal walls. And a metal floor below. Cold cold metal. Ok Skylar remember what you have to do. Analyses your surroundings. I have metal shackles on my right and left hands along with shackles on my ankles. I'm sitting down but my arms are raised by the shackles and my legs and crossed. There nothing in the room except for a table. And there is a small 3 in by 5 inch hole in the door. Sometimes a pair of eyes see through the hole, stare at me for 2 minuets and then leave. The eyes look dark but golden.

Connors not here. I try to hold in my tears. It's all too much. It's just like my moms basement. Connors not with me. And I'm alone. Tears slide down my cheeks. I love Connor so much. He will save me. He promised to protect me. I love his hair that looks like a new penny, not brown, not orange. He's blue eyes that look like the sky. His small freckles that trail his cheeks, nose, elbows, and knees. How tall he was, that when I hugged him my head fit perfectly onto his chest. Or if I wanted to kiss him I had to pull him down or loop my arms around his neck. His muscles that were not big but he is strong enough to pick me up. He is so strong. I know he will find me. Even if I don't know where I am he will find me.

The eyes are back. But this time the doorknob slowly started to turn and creak.

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