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(A/N: hello dearies! *grins madly* hello Bibliophile525. *laughs madly* well.... shall we begin?)

Connors POV~

"'On a boat' that's part of the Prophecy. Percy can you set up the ship?" And I get a sarcastic response back "of course I can. Duh." I sigh angrily as Travis pulls me to the side as Percy sets up the sail. "Hey. We're gonna find her alright?" I look down "I miss her Travis..." "Hey go calm down. She's a tough girl. She can handle this. Skylar probably doesn't want you to worry. She has faith and hope. Remember? you told me when you first saw her, that you loved her. Do you remember why?" I nod and mumble "she was brave" "'was'? you mean 'is' she's still gonna put up a fight, and you know that." I just nod again still staining at the grass.

Percy yells out "You guys ready!?" Travis yells back a yes. We are going to find her I know it. And who ever that old foe is. I swear I will make them suffer.

Skylars POV~

Oh gods. Please Dad. Apollo. If you are hearing me, send help. Tell Connor where I am. Stop what ever is coming through that door, because I know it's not going to be good. I'm shaking violently now. Please please please. Dad, just hear me. You didn't save me the first time I was locked up against my will. You can save me now. Make up for lost times. Anything!

The door opens. I'm gonna be sick. The chains of my shackles rattle violently. At first all I see is a dark shadow. Then I can see the whole figure. A blonde teenager. A boy. He has a long scar running down the left of his face. He had cold golden eyes and seems to just give off a kind of 'I enjoy killing people' look. So he's my kidnapper. He doesn't look mean. But you can just tell. But when he speaks, you can HEAR that he wants me dead.

"So do you like the setting?" his voice sounds like cats being dragged on gravel. It sound much older that he looks. I don't speak. I try to remain calm 'Connors coming. Connors gonna save me. He promised." "Not speaking are we? I think you have a lovely voice." He comes closer and grabs my neck forcing me close. Stairing at his eyes, it was like the gold was dominating another color. It was also covering the old... Was that blue? Yeah there was a soft blue nearly almost gone behind the swirling gold. "I heard you can do amazing things with your voice. And other sounds along with it. Mind telling me what you can do?"I don't speak. My mom told me to never speak. When I spoke it only got worse.

He smacked me. Hard across the face. Oh gods did it hurt. Don't cry. Don't scream. Don't move. Please. dad. Connor. Someone besides the monster in front of me. He growled, deep, it sounded like some type of wild animal. Breathe Skye breathe. 'Calm down. You just have to breathe.' Connor would tell me. I breathed but remained silent. "Well since you won't show me that lovely voice of yours... There will be punishments. You do know that don't you. Your mother used to beat you if you didn't obey."

I flinched at that- "well this can stop. I can let you go. You haven't been here long, I will let you see Connor again." my head snapped up at his name. The monster smirked "oh now you listen. Well, yes you can see him again. If you join me. Just a little team I have going on. See... I don't like the gods. And I can tell deep, deep, deep in your heart you don't like them either. Apollo never helped you. He never sent you a message. You do know he has talked to all his children BUT you?" that hurt.

Was he telling the truth? mom would always lie. But he sounded so sure. Like I wanted to join. Those stupid gods. Never helping. My own father never helped- no no. I can't think that. This is a trick. Apollo is my dad. He's probably... busy. Yeah he's just busy up on Olympus. Gotta deal with things. But still, he couldn't say sorry? sorry for never helping me. Sorry for not caring. Sorry for never speaking. I WATCHED THE SUN EVERY MORNING! I WATCHED IT GO DOWN! I WOULD ALWAYS SAY "good morning dad" AND "good night dad, see you tomorrow" AND WHAT DID HE DO?! NOTHING!

Connor stroll x OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now