Snap out of it

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Travis' POV~

There it was. My worst fear coming to life. My brother dying in front of my eyes. I ran toward him after Skylars scream finished affecting my ears. She was already on the floor cradling his head yelling "NO! NO! YOU ARE GOING TO LIVE! PLEASE IM SORRY! I DIDNT KNOW! CONNOR PLEASE! I-I MADE A MISTAKE! Please. I couldn't see you. I thought you were kro-kron."

She chocked on her words as I ran beside him. I cut a piece of my shirt and pressed It against my brothers side "you're gonna be fine little bro. It's just a cut." He looked up at me and smiled "h-hey. My two favorite people." He said weakly. "I love you guys" he now said very slowly. Skylar cried and I said to her "go get your brother" she nodded and reluctantly stood up and ran to get Will.

I picked up Connor and carried him slowly to the hotel where people were being taken care off.

*time skip cause I suck with medical stuff unless you wanna hear about bandages cause that's all I know*

Connors POV~

I was laying on a coach. Yep. That's all I can describe because, I seem to have been impaled. Isn't that lovely.

I started coughing and Travis came running to me. "Hey. Hey, it's right. I'm here. Your fine, the stab is closed. Just gotta lay down." I nodded and smiled as I lasted down and asked "where's skye" he frowned and said "oh, she's being held back by two other people." "WHAT! WHY!?" "she's been screaming that she wants to-"

Travis was cut off with "LET ME KILL HIM I NEED TO KILL THE ONE WHO HURT HIM!! LET ME KILL KRONOS!!!" followed by an "NO! YOURE GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!" and then Skylar yelling back "BUT LOOK WHAT HE DID!!! IM ALREADY DEAD...."

Her voice faded out and I heard sobbing. I sat up slowly and sat Skylar on the floor while another guy, I think Sam Oerly, a son of Ares was holding her by the waist. Most likely trying to hold her back, because if he was touching her for another reason, oh. I might have killed someone.

I stood up with the help of travis and stumbled over to Skylar. I sat of the floor and pulled her close, shooshing her. "Its alright. I'm okay. We're safe now. It's gonna be alright." she looked up and said something that broke my heart "but they made me hurt you. You may be alright now, but I can't live with myself. Like I said, in already dead"

I'm understood what she meant now.

Her eyes were still golden.

Connor stroll x OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now