Chapter 17

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Before I freak out completely let me just say that this chapter is dedicated to sillyanime because you were my first reader and you've stuck with this all the way. Thank you so much! Now for my freaking out... Oh my gosh guys guess what. My Online Identity has reached over 200 reads! That's more than 200 hundred people who have taken the time to read my story. Oh my gosh oh my gosh thank you so much! You guys are awesome!

A week after Jasper asked me out my mood had taken a huge turn upwards and I spent much more time on my phone texting or talking to him. I finally could say I felt almost normal, hanging out with Charlotte and Tessa. However, because of my new late night texts with my boyfriend I often woke up later which was very unusual for me. Anyways, that's the reason why today I woke up late at 11. Actually, the reason I woke up was the phone ringing which was very, very annoying to a sleeping Lex. A couple minutes later I heard my mom yell up the stairs at me. "Alexia!"

"What?" I asked groggily, peaking out of my room.

"Our new neighbours were wondering if we wanted to come over for lunch I said we would be happy to."


"We're going over there in half an hour so get dressed."

"What!" I yelped. "Mom I just got up!"

"You should have been up already!"

"Fine! Fine!" I grumbled. Half an hour? Geez talk about last minute. I thought to myself in annoyance. After a very quick shower I threw my hair up in a bun since I didn't have time to blow dry it and put on a little lip gloss. I wrapped a big towel around me and picked out a pair of denim shorts and an off the shoulder t-shirt that was a pale yellow. I grabbed my worn, tan sandals and raced down the stairs. "Bam! Half an hour!" I shouted triumphantly.

"Good job. You look nice." My mom completemented me.

"Thanks." I slipped on my sandals and followed my mom out the door. "So, who are they?"

"All I know is her name is Jenna and she has a son your age." She glanced over at me before replying. "Yes I know we knew someone with that name but it didn't sound like her."

"Okay good." I sighed in relief. If it had been who I thought it was I don't know what I would have done.

"You ring the doorbell." My mom nudged me as we approached the front door.

"No way. I'm shy, little Alexia. Remember?"

"You are not but fine I'll do it." She rang the doorbell for me and stepped back as the door opened.

"Hi you must be Hannah." The guy who opened the door greeted us.

"You must be Jenna's son." My mom smiled but stopped suddenly as we could see him properly. "Oh, it is that Jenna."

"Lexie?" He asked.

"Colin?" I stared at him in disbelief.

"Hey we're neighbours now!" He laughed.

"Oh my god."

"I missed you so much!" He walked towards me happily and wrapped me up in his arms.

"Colin. Colin!"


"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked angerly.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I moved here! This is my home!"

'Alexia?" I heard Colin's mom ask in disbelief. "Hannah?"

"Jenna! It's so good to see you!"

"Come in! Lunch is almost ready. You two can go hang out upstairs if you want." She gestured to us.

"Come on." Colin tried to take my hand as he led me up the stairs but I snatched it away quickly. "What's wrong?"

"The same thing that was wrong when I left you a year ago! Even if you didn't mean to you still killed my dad and it's just so hard to forget that!"

"But we can forget that Lexie. I'm here again."

"I have a boyfriend Colin! Life moves on!" I exclaimed.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yes I'm capable of having a life without you." I snapped.

"I didn't mean that Lexie. I just thought we had something special."

"And it didn't work out! I broke up with you for a reason!"

"I never agreed with your reason. You know that."

"So? It won't work Colin! It took me a year to start after and I am not going back now."

"Why not Lexie? I missed you."

"I have a boyfriend now! Did that not register with you?"

"Can't you just explain to him?" He pleaded.

"What? So I should just tell him; hey my ex just moved and is my neighbour and I want to get back with him? That's not how it works!" I yelled angrily.

"Lexie I still love you! I never stopped!"

"But I'm done with this! It won't work! Don't even try to convince me otherwise." I said with disgust. "You want me to break up with the most amazing guy I've ever met for you? Yeah right."

"Lexie please." He begged.

"Colin-" I was cut off as he pulled me close and kissed me fiercely. His hands pulled my face closer as I tried desperately to pull away. As I broke away for air I continued. "What the hell was that!"

"Lexie I told you, I love you."

"I'm done Colin. If you ever wanted a chance then that was not what to do. I'm just going to leave now. Tell your mom I'm so sorry but I just don't think I could bear to sit with you."

"Please!" He sounded so desperate but I had to be firm.

"You don't know what I went through Colin. Don't try to come in pretending everything's alright when it's not. And who do you think you are to try and break me up with my boyfriend? He helped me heal and I'm so happy with him. Why can't you be happy for me?"

"Because it'll kill me every time I see you with him."

"If you ever loved me then just shut up and stay away from me." I snapped before storming out of the room

"Lexie!" I heard him call after me.

"Mom?" I walked into the kitchen and smiled politely at Jenna.

"What is it Alexia?"

"I'm going to go home and I am so sorry Jenna but I just can't stay." I apologized honestly. I felt so bad for ditching but if I saw Colin again I swear I would scream. How dare he try and break up Jasper and I? Where was he the last year when I needed him most?

"Oh that's fine Alexia." Jenna responded warmly.

"I'll make a sandwich or something when I get home." I told my mom.

"Okay go sit outside or something."

"I will." I promised. "I'll see you later." I waved back at them as left. I groaned to myself as I walked home. How could Colin move right next door? I had so many happy memories but also way to many sad memories that I had buried with my dad and I was not digging them up. Screw you Colin.


So much drama! Hope you guys enjoyed and stay tuned for the next part. Also again thank you so much for reading and all the support! You guys are amazing and you made my day with the 200 reads! Love you all! <3 Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!



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