Chapter Thirty Four: Thanks

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I see that dress hanging in my closet and I smile as I realized that this would be my first formal dance. I haven't stayed at schools for too long, mainly because my mom would get a job offer somewhere else and that meant we would have to move but I was so grateful we haven't. I can't leave here yet, not when I'm so in love with Luke.

The dress is for that winter dance the school throws every year. I believe the name of it is somewhere along the lines of Snowball but I'm not sure. Whatever it was, I was excited to be going to it and I was excited that Luke asked me to go with him.

I sit on my bed and think about how he asked me; suit and a bouquet of tulips. I know, tulips are my favorite flower and when he found that out, he's been going crazy with them.

He'll buy them and place them on my bed before I wake up but that's a teamwork between Taylor and him. She lets him in and he comes in my room to put the flowers down, sometimes he'll cuddle with me in bed and those are the times I loved most.

A bout 2 weeks have passed since that Jessica incident and Luke and I have only become closer since then. More dates, more sleep overs, and more saying 'I love you' and truly meaning it.

It felt so good to tell Luke I loved him because I did. I loved him so much that even the thought of him breaking up with me kills me.

I never saw myself as being one of those girls that falls so deeply in love with a guy that she can't be separated from him. Never did I think Luke would hold this trance on me but he does and I don't want it any other way.

He makes me laugh, smile and he makes me feel like a better person. I just love him so much and he helped move past my father's death and I wanted to do the same for him with his mother.

He's told me he doesn't sing aloud anymore and I think he needs to. I think he would feel so much better about it if he finally sung in public and I would be there every step of the way because I love him.

"You excited to go?" I ask Taylor as I hear her fiddling with the peeling paint on my door.

"I was going to talk to you about that." She says and fully steps into my room. "Michael asked me to go with him, should I?" I instantly smile and turn to face her. "Absolutely."

She scrunches up her eyebrows, "Really? I thought you would have more input to it than that." She says and lets out a soft chuckle.

"I like Michael and he likes you, so why not? You have your sister's approval!" I giggle as she finally smiles back to me.

"Really? Well then, I'll tell him my answer tomorrow." she says and it was my turn to look at her weird, "The dance is in three days." I remind her.

"Well if he truly likes me, he'll be okay with it." She giggles and stands up; exiting my room to leave me staring at the blue dress. Nervous and scared for my first formal.


I smile while looking down at my phone, reading the text from Ashton saying Luke wanted me to come over to his house. Luke broke his phone last week when we went to the amusement park for like the fifth time and dropped it off the Ferris Wheel.

So now, he has to use different methods of getting a hold of me, which usually meant using Michael's phone, Ashton's or even Calum's.

It didn't bug me though, it honestly made me feel like he really did love me. The more he did stupid little things like this, the more I fell in love with him.

"I'm heading over to Ashton's!" I shout up to Taylor as I sit on the couch in the living room."Don't be long! We still have to plan how to get ready for the dance!"

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