Chapter Thirty Five: Fuck You

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"Come on you shit controller!" Michael shouts at his game that he was playing. He's pretty keen on voicing how he felt at that exact moment. He shakes his controller violently before Calum comments about it, "Hey Mikey, that's just gonna make it worse."

"Shut up." He mumbles before resuming whatever game he seemed to be playing.

"Oh Michael." Jessica giggles and all 6 of us turn to look at her. Was she really just trying to talk to Michael like she knew him? I think not, this bitch brought out my inner bitch.

"What?" She says when she notices all of our glares, even Michael was looking at her weird.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna get a drink. You want anything?" Luke asks me and I smile at him before looking around the room. I stare at Jessica before giving my response to Luke. "Yea, thanks Luke."

He kisses my forehead before getting up, Michael and Calum following Luke.

Moments of silence pass between us before a feminine voice scares me, "Isn't this weird?" Jessica taunts and I roll my eyes.

"I kissed Luke and other little things but I'll spare you the details, and now you're the one kissing him. Sounds to me like you're the re-bound."

"Shut-up Jessica, I don't have time for your shit." I mumble, not really being bugged with her sudden comments about my love life. I love Luke and he loves me, there was no getting in between.

"But, does Luke know about you kissing his best friend? I mean, isn't that something that you should tell him?" The smirk on her face; I want to slap it off and rub her head in dirt.

"That had nothing to do with Luke I-"

"What do you mean it had nothing to do with me?"

My heart stops, this is not the way I wanted Luke to find out. This is not how I wanted it to play out, "Luke, I-I."

"My service has been, well, served." Jessica stands as Luke and I have a stare down.

"Hazel, do you care to explain?" Luke says as his eyes turn a deeper version of his light blue. He was trying not to cry.

"Luke, this was before you." I say and stand to reach his height. My hands are trembling as I try to reach out to him but he seemed to be getting farther and farther away from me.

"No, Hazel. This is bullshit. How long has this been going on?" Luke shouts and makes his way over to Ashton.

Ashton holds his hands up, faking a surrender. "Dude, stop. Nothing happened between us."

"Don't fucking lie to me. You're supposed to be my best friend!" Luke shouts at Ashton.

"Luke, let me explain!" I shout to Luke this time, trying to get him to hear me talk.

"As for you Hazel, why? Why did you do this to me? And with my best friend?" He throws his hands up in the air before running them through his hair repeatedly.

My eyes begin to water, he wasn't listening to me. He needs to know that I can't be without him, that I love him, that this kiss meant nothing and that all I wanted was Luke's love; no one else's. If he thinks I cheated on him, he's going to end it. I can't be without Luke.

"Luke, I love you!" I shout and he rolls his eyes, "I thought you did Hazel but I guess we were both wrong."

He walks over to Jessica and she coils up at first before Luke places a hand on her cheek and slams his lips with hers.

Everything in me that wasn't already hurting, was now hurting ten million times than ever before as I watch Luke kiss Jessica in a sloppy manner. It didn't matter how the kiss was, just that he was kissing her in front of me.

The tears fall from my eyes as he pulls away, "What's fair is fair." He states as I watch a tear fall from his eye this time rather than mine but I don't care. My heart is officially broken because now I was actually seeing Luke cheat on me right in front of me.

"Luke!" Ashton shouts and I can't speak as Luke approaches me.

"Next time you want to kiss my friends, don't fucking involve me in this." He pushes past me and something in me snaps, "You wanna know something Luke?" I shout to him and he stops; back facing me.

"I loved you with everything in me even when I knew I shouldn't because of what I just saw. I fucking knew you would do that to me and that's why I pushed you away for so long." I can feel everyone staring at me, they don't know what to do and I can't blame them as Luke and I had a fight right in front of them.

He turns his head but he wasn't looking at me, yet I caught his attention. "I wish I never loved you, maybe I should've of fallen in love with Ashton. Not someone that would break my heart."

"Hazel-" He turns around and I can see that he's sorry but there is no going back at this point. I just said what has been playing at my heart for awhile now.

"No Luke, I wish I never loved you and I wish you weren't so important in my life but yet again, someone I love leaves me in a world of hurt."

"I'm sor-"

"No Luke, fuck you." I barely manage to shout at him as the tears and wails consume me. I was having a breakdown right in front of him and I didn't want him to see the affect he had on me so I walked away; out the front door and ran down the street. Hoping to never fall in love again.

(Well... I think the next chapter is going to be the last... So, if you actually like my story, be prepared for it to end...

Side note, Louis fan fictions are so hard to get popular.. Like my Luke one didn't take too long before I had 1,000 views but now it seems like forever and I actually love my story plan for my Louis one so please go and read it!

Anyways, since Maddy somehow managed to piss me off when she wrote up her story, I decided to leave this one off on a sad note because she wants to end her story and I don't want her to! xD

Thanks for all the reads and votes... I THINK the next update is going to be the last update, if you wanna continue with my style of writing, please go and read The Polymorph [Louis Tominson] and Continuous [Michael Clifford]!!

Thanks so much! <3)

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