Watts (3 years ago)

60 5 1

Varsity basketball game.

Us vs. MLK High School.

We were down by two.

I'm on the court. Ball in my hand. Five seconds. Fake right. Break left. Ankle breaker. Three seconds. Cross over, their defense was strong. One second. Three point line. I shoot.

Buzzer sounds.

I score.

Crowd goes crazy. My coach hugs me, team puts me up on their shoulders. Just won the championship. Feelin' like Lebron when he won his first ring against OKC.

"We won!" That was Tony. We been friends for a long ass time. He ain't play on the team, but he came to every game. We get out in the parking lot. Me and my niggas plan to celebrate, go out to eat.

Then my eyes find her in the crowd.

Wearing our school colors. My jersey numbers painted on her cheek. Before we were together.

"Congrats." Stacey said, hugging me.

"Thank you. You lookin' good."

"You know." she was feelin' herself.



"C'mere." she comes closer to me, I wrap my hands around her waist. "Remember when you said, if I win, I can take you out on a date?"

"I don't remember saying that." she smiles.

"I remember."

"You want to take me out, Calvin Kennedy?"

"Call me Cal."


"Yes, Stacey Brown, I want to take you out."

She bites her lip. "This is crazy."

"What is?"

"I'm about to go out with Calvin- Cal Kennedy."

"And I'm about to go with Stacey Brown." I smile.

"Before we go anywhere with this, promise me one thing."


"Don't break my heart."



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