Chapter 8

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As I turned around and was face to face with Harry, I remembered what my dad said. He told me to stand up for myself. 

I guess thats where my sudden burst of confidence came from,

"What do you want now Harry?" I said.

He looked shocked. 

"I'm- I'm sorry Alana." Tears started to stream down his face, "I know you can't forgive me, I wouldn't forgive me either, I just need you to know that I won't hurt you anymore."

Tears started to form in my eyes, "Ha-Harry, how can you expect me to believe that?"

He was silent, then spoke, "Can't we try to be friends?"


I pointed to the bruises on my arms, "You see this Harry? Its because of you. Want to know why I didn't want to wake up in the morning? Why I didn't want to come to school everyday? Because of you! You scared me to death Harry, but guess what? You don't anymore."

The next thing he did didn't surprise me, he pinned me against the wall, with his hands on the wall above my shoulders, trapping me in.

But the next thing he did? That's what surprised me the most.

His lips crashed against mine, he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

I threw him off of me and ran back into the cafeteria,

what the hell just happened?

Harry Styles, the boy who bullied me for ten years, then apologized and asked to be friends, just kissed me.

And I think I liked it.. 

I sat down at the table. Maddie looked at me and said, "What happened?"

I couldn't even say the words, I was shocked so much, ""

Her jaw dropped, and the other boys gasped.

"No way! I don't believe it!" Maddie said in disbelief.

"This day just gets weirder and weirder" I said.

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