Chapter 15

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A.N. k, so this one the boys won't be in a lot, just because their going to be meeting michael ryan and nathan, okay ? thanks if you still read :]

Alana's POV

* Monday Morning *

"Are you sure you can do it?" Maddie said. She was on the phone talking to Niall. "Okay, thanks so much! We'll see you guys later! Bye" She hung up, looked at me and smiled. 

"You ready to go?" 

I nodded, "Yeah, and I heard Nathan Adrian is going to be there too! He is so adorable!"

She laughed, "You have a boyfriend now, its okay for you to think about famous guys like that, but not people we go to school with, just saying!"

I rolled my eyes, "I know Maddie! Now let's go!" 

I was wearing jean shorts and a nice top, and Maddie was wearing a dress. We were waiting right outside the mall that they were signing at. There weren't that many people here, maybe a little over a hundred.

Maddie said, "We need to be last in line, you have the most time with them"

I laughed and said, "Alright."

Every time more people came, we let them go in front of us. After they closed it so no more people came, there was probably 200 people here.

We started to hear shouting and being that short person that I am, I couldn't see anything.

The line started to move, and we were freaking out.

"Maddie, we have to be calm."

She nodded her head and we started to take deep breaths. After ten more minutes, we could see three very tall figures standing behind a table.

Maddie said, trying to be quiet, "THERE THEY ARE AH NATHAN IS SO CUTE "

I tried to quiet her, but she wouldn't listen.

"Chill out!" I said. She stuck her tongue out at me, "Just wait, when you get face to face with Michael, you won't be able to handle yourself."

The line kept moving, and we were so close to the front. I could perfectly see all of them. 

From left to right, it was Ryan, Michael and Nathan. They were taking pictures with a boy and a girl who looked a little older than us. The line moved again and we were fourth in line, almost face to face with the them.

* Back at school with Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn & Liam *

The boys sat in class, first period, waiting for the teacher to take attendance.

The teacher said, "Where's Maddie and Alana?"

Niall spoke, trying his best not to sound nervous, "Their uh, at guidance. They'll be back soon, I'll tell them to check in with you"

Mr. Corey looked suspicious, but nodded.

The boys let out a sigh of relief.

Niall said, "When she takes me to nandos, she better let me order EVERYTHING."

Louis laughed and said, "Niall, you always order everything."

* back with the girls * 

Alana's POV

Now, we were second, and there was nobody behind us. Michael, Ryan and Nathan were now taking their time, and after finishing taking the pictures, talking to the fans. That only made me nervous because I had no idea what I was going to say to them.

The Fighter (A One Direction Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz