Stronger ......

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" I can't fight it anymore bayani , it keeps getting stronger . "

" W-what about the cure ? I-I can't lose you your one of my best friends !! "

" Everyone else can be saved , I'm too far gone . "


Authors note :

Hello ! Welcome to I've turned into a monster . I thank xAlic3InWond3rlandx for helping me with this story and I hope you enjoy :) .


* 2 years prior , Luna's pov *

It was the end of summer vacation for me , and my band camp was going to start within about three or four weeks . I'm doing what I normally do , which would be laying around my house playing minecraft , when I receive a notification on my wattpad , which I just so happened to look at while checking my phone . I saw that on my newest story I had about 50 comments on it . Confused , I read through them all . Most was saying stuff about how much they loved it , but one comment I read nearly gave me a heart attack . It was from GraserMC himself , stating that he liked my story and he wanted me to write more and to meet me . In a state of pure shock and panic I shakily talked to him through the app and soon we were talking to each other on the phone and becoming close friends . That's when I learned a little secret me , him , and a few other cube members had in common .....

We were slowly turning into monsters , we were slowly dying .

* one month later *

Me , graser , bayani , and my best friend Alyssa were playing hunger games , as normal . Graser and bayani were recording , as per usual , when I felt like something stabbed me in the neck . I yelled out , Alyssa rushing to my side since she was sitting beside me and everything went blurry . The last this I remember was bayani and graser yelling at us to tell them what was going on and Alyssa clinging to me .

* 2 weeks later , laboratory cell 501 *

It's been two weeks and both me and Alyssa are stuck in this hell hole . We've been pricked , prodded , humiliated , and just plain out destroyed ! These people have turned us into monsters . Both me and Alyssa turn into hybrids of animals randomly . They captured hbomb , straub , and Devon as we'll . I will admit , it hurts a lot , but I've almost lost all feeling anyways so why does it matter ? Today a girl , who looked around 18 , came down and got me only . I panicked , usually they take all of us why me ? There was one instance that they split me and Alyssa up and I about killed myself hearing her screams and not being able to stop them . Now it's happening to me again . They got me up into the room and strapped me down , getting the needles and such ready . They started injecting me with this blue liquid that stung a lot . I've learned what each color stands for :

They start you out with white , which hardly does anything . Then they move you to yellow then orange then green then blue then black . If you withstand them all and survive , then you get the light pink vial . That solidifies your transformations , making it to where you can't turn back . If your on the verge of dying or it's too painful then they give you the red vial , which will kill you within the next two hours . The light pink vial also stops aging , making you immortal . I know everyone else tested out and got the pink vial , but I've been struggling with the transformations . They watched me transform and I looked at the blue liquid to see it change colors into this weird purple color . I felt like someone was eating me alive and I screamed bloody murder as I pulled the needle out . I looked around and saw the two scientist dead on the floor and a third girl with blood all down her dress over them .

Girl: we have to leave , NOW !

She picked me up and ran me back to everyone else . They were worried sick cause I couldn't respond , my thought felt like it was melted off , and my nerves were tingling . I heard the girl say something about purple vial and bad and leave . Soon I was hoisted as my cat self up and into Hbomb's mouth . He was carrying my like a mother cat would her kittens and I watched as straub climbed onto Alyssa's back and Devon flew ahead to open the door . I turned my head and saw the girl laying on the floor as a weird deformed snake . She smiled at me and closed her eyes , taking one final breath before we bolted out of the lab . I soon passed out as the pain was too much for me .

( A.N: ok , here is what everyone is :

H: grey wolf

Straub: fennec fox

Alyssa: horse

Luna(a.k.a me ) White House cat

Devon: hummingbird

Back to story !! )

* one hour later , straub's pov *

It's been one hour and we are all camped out under a bridge due to it starting to rain . We are all ok , even Monica . We are now all cuddling together to keep warm , since it is becoming fall . Slowly everyone was falling asleep one by one , first Monica then Devon then Alyssa . Me and h were the only two awake , watching carefully .

Straub: hey h , when do you think we will get to go home ?

H: hopefully soon , I miss everyone .

Straub: me too .

Just then there was a bright light shined on us and we shielded our eyes . We soon were put into the back of cop cars and , finally , taken home . We soon got back into our normal routine when things took a turn for the worst ...

( A.N: thank you to everyone's nice comments and all the votes on my other story Grayani94 . If you have not read it I suggest you do . I hope you guys enjoy this story , please leave a vote or comment if you enjoyed and this is Luna signing off 🐱 )

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