July 12th, 11:04 pm

18 3 3

So today, a day of potential for care free fun, between friends, an evening of swimming and laughter, and perhaps a budding romance on the horizon?


Let me tell you how my birthday celebration really went down.

Invitee list:
Lily (family friend)
Calvin (swoon)
Dalton (druggy sweetheart, though a bit misguided)
Dion (My "husband".... a boy I cuddle with and boss around basically)
Chrissy (work friend)

So let's have a lookie see to what went wrong, and why I cried... again. (Should I write in my intro how many days since my last cry? Or is that too pathetic?)

Chrissy was working, understandable, and totally not her fault. Lily forgot..... yeah. Dalton "said" he was sick, but let's face it, he was probably hungover. Dion came, but ignored me for my brother most of the time, whatever. And Calvin, my dear sweet Calvin. He texted me well in advance, saying he couldn't make it, apologising and making a silly joke aswell, but me being.... well me, lost my phone. AGAIN. I never received his text, therefore, I waited.... and waited, and after about an hour, I just gave up.

So, me, my mother, my brother, and Dion all at a boat launch, ready to get our swim on and enjoy ourselves. Fate would not have that, apparently.

When we got there, two notoriously mean people were "chillin", and there were more to come, soon the parking lot started filling up with cars and obnoxious teens and young adults started pouring out, with booze too.

And yes, they decided to "engage in conversation" slinging insults at me and my family..... let me remind you, this is supposed to be my FUCKING BIRTHDAY PARTY.

Dion was steadily getting more furious by the minute, and after an hour of that, he started to say obcence things that he did with their mom's, and that one of the girls looked like they just finished "sexually servicing their father with their mouth" to put it lightly. That is when we decided to leave, cutting the "celebration" short, by two hours.

But wait, there is MORE. We stopped at a gas station, and guess who we saw? Calvin! And at this point, I couldn't look at him without crying or throwing something, so there I was, filling up my tank, while he was being super friendly... you have to remember, at this point I did not have my phone, so I did not know that he texted me. Here I am, thinking that he stood me up, when really, he knew he couldn't make it, so when he saw me, he decided to make me laugh a bit.

That was so not happening.

Me, being unknowing, was seething at the fact that he stood me up at my birthday celebration, AND he had the balls to come and joke around without apologising first.... I was falling apart at the seams.

Soooooo happy fucking birthday to me.

The real cherry on top, was finding out that my brother, ate the ENTIRE birthday cake. There was NONE LEFT.


So here I am, looking at memes with my JUST found phone, crying, trying to cheer myself up, when I read the messages from Calvin from yesterday.

His mom said he couldn't come, and that he was sorry, was basicly what it said.... boom, instantly not that mad at  him. Funny how that works.

I of course, will not look him directly in the eyes for TWO WHOLE days, just because I still feel bitter, but that is the most I can do.

Please, send me food, or good vibes, or a sexy boyfriend/girlfriend in the mail, who's "down to clown".


goodnight my children, hopefully yours went better.


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