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'Can all pupils, working in the field of mechanics, please report to the hanger bay for your ceremony', instructed Christopher through the intercom system.

'Well that's me', Wes chuckled to himself.

Rolling off his single bed, straightening his flight suit in the mirror, giving himself a quick, cheeky smile, Wes set off in search of the hanger bay. He had a vague memory of where it was, but listening to instructions wasn't a strong point for Wes. He'd rather joke around and that's exactly what he did, during the orientation days aboard the mothership. A 2-D map on the wall, outside his room, re-jogged his memory, but also filled him with concern.

'Are you kidding me? The other end of the goddamn ship!'

'Tick-tock Wes', a familiar voice spoke. 'When I'm head of the guard I won't allow anybody to be late', mocked Aaron, as he passed by in the busy corridor. Wes snarled his teeth in defiance.

How did that prick get a spot?

The living quarters had burst to life after the unfreezing, everybody meeting and greeting their neighbours, along with friends rekindling, after five years of sleep. People were conversing at every corner and doorway, slowing Wes down, as he tried to make his way to the hanger. Stopping at a second map, for fresh directions, he overheard a man, leaning against the open door frame of a woman's quarters, trying to woo her.

'The unfreezing was just so magical and unique. I wish we could have experienced it together. That would have been amazing', flirted the stranger.

A long-awaited opportunity to embarrass someone with a joke, Wes couldn't resist making a comment, 'Yea, it's what I'd imagine being born was like, if we could remember. Picture that!'

A sour expression formed on the girl's face, giving Wes the satisfaction of victory.

'I knew you'd say that!' Ajax screamed, pointing and laughing at his friend mocking the couple. Running to Ajax, they greeted each other with a loud high-five, and hug.

'Sorry about before', Ajax apologised.

'Don't worry bud. Sorry for now', Wes admitted.

'What do you mean?', confusingly asked Ajax.

'Well I told you to come here, but I've just been summoned'.

'Yea I heard. It's ok, I need to check out my room anyway', Ajax calmly spoke.

'Oh, ok cool. Well, I better run. I'll see you at dinner!', blurted Wes, jogging away from his friend.

An exhausting run, through multiple corridors, up and down stairwells, left Wes tired as he reached the hanger bay. Swiping a keypad, with a key card that was left in his room, a green light and beeping sound, signalled his authorization, the doors sliding apart. Stepping through the door, Wes stared in amazement. The colossal size of the hanger caught Wes off guard. The daunting task of having to know this room, back to front, swept over him like a wave of anxiety.

Where is everybody?

Alone, Wes explored his new workstation, admiring the dormant vehicles and aircraft. There wasn't a soul in sight, making Wes wonder if he was at the right place. After walking the entire length of the hanger, and back to the main doors, he was left puzzled, scratching his head. Looking around he saw a door labelled 'Emergency Pods'. His inquisitive nature took over, forcing his legs to walk in its direction. Sneaking his way down a long thin corridor, the room opened to another larger room. Doorways littered the walls, each with a number on them. Wes inspected a door, looking through its glass windows. Inside, multiple seats circled the walls of the oval dropship, with only enough seats for twenty people inside. Frowning, Wes peeled his eyes away from the glass, counting the other doors within the emergency pods lobby. Landing on the magical number of fifteen, Wes became even more puzzled.

That can't be right. There must be more.

A hydraulic door opened on a catwalk above Wes. Two pairs of boots walked across its steel structure, heading for some stairs right in front of Wes. Spotting a stack of barrels, Wes darted behind them, crouching from the strangers. Unable to see, too scared to peep, Wes listened to the two converse.

'So why did you want to show me these Jake?', Christopher questioned.

'Sir, we have a problem', Jake fretted.

'And that is?'

'We don't have enough emergency pods, sir', Jake whispered.

'Yes, I know Jake', Christopher calmly stated.

'And this doesn't bother you?', stressed Jake.


Gasping, Wes peaked over the barrels lip, indulging himself in the commander's private conversation. Christopher stood, his hands on his hip, observing a distressed Jake, leaning against the emergency pods door, shaking his head, looking inside.

'Why?', Jake asked, spinning to look at Christopher, aggression in his tone.

'Because we aren't going to crash Jake. After dinner tonight, Amir will put the mothership into the planets orbit. From there we will have an easy descent to the ground. Nothing is going to go wrong'.

'And what if it does!', Jake growls.

'Don't question me, Jake!', Christopher asserted his dominance.

'Well, I hope nothing goes wrong. Because it's you, who will have to sentence two-hundred plus people to death, if something does happen! Can you live with that?'

'I'm the commander, Jake. If anything was to go wrong, at any time, I will live with the decisions I make. Will I be happy about it? Probably not. But I trust and have faith in my procedures. You need to have trust in me, your commander, that I have everything under control'.

'Tell yourself whatever you need too, so you can sleep at night. I'm guessing I'll be one of the people to be left behind now! Or do you have a procedure to decide who lives and dies as well?', Jake scolded his commander.

Shifting his weight, Wes knocked the barrels, causing them to rumble, catching the attention of both, Christopher and Jake. Ducking back into cover, Wes hugged his knees, praying they didn't hear or see him.

'Did you hear that?', Jake asked.

Footsteps slowly thumped their way towards Wes's hiding spot. The door next to the barrels, slid open, releasing a wave of chatting people.

That must be the rest of the class!

Heading towards him, Wes saw his opportunity to evade his risky predicament. Fondling with his shoelaces, Wes pretended to tie them, waiting for the group to walk by him. With the group upon him, he quickly stood, blending into the crowd, keeping an eye on Christopher to see if he noticed. Christopher's glare pierced his soul like a hawk watching its prey. Slinking his way through the newly formed crowd, they stood awaiting Jake to address them.

'Welcome mechanics! If you can please give me a few minutes to talk to Commander Aerglo, I'll accompany you in the hanger bay, shortly', he announced, gesturing his hand back towards the hanger.

With their strict command, everyone turned, heading out the door they just walked through, muttering to themselves. Following, like a sheep, Wes snuck his way towards the exit. A hand firmly grabbed his shoulder, holding him back. Swivelling his head, Wes engaged in a staring contest with Christopher.

'Not you'.


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