Um omg

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I see ray I get scared and start backing up wait don't back up

He grabs me I

Tryed to

Stuggle but it does not work so I

Give up he looks at me with guilt eyes im soooooo sorry Halle I'm just sorry I don't know what's wrong with me I'm just sorry he

Starts crying I write on my phone it's ok I said can't talk anymore either with that he crys harder I said on my voice app don't fuckin cry big ass baby he starts to laugh I smile and put lol and I start have I intense pain everywhere and I blackout again so I wake up and rays just standing in the door way hey Halle um Halle yes I typed um the boys are down stairs I am type IDGAF. He says he has a pool and has a bathing suit for me that his sister had before she moved to college this nigga house is huge asf shit wish a bitch had this type of living but anyway I hear him talking to the boys AYE WATS UP RAY THEY GIVE ME DAPS. If u don't know thus is ray know aye wassup ok I guys I have a friend here o is she a girl roc says yea but why does that matter I say dumbfounded because ..... No reason he says smirking 😏 welli Om then I say and bring Halle down WTF ROC SAYS WHAT IN THE BLUE CHESSE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE prod says Princeton just says why u bringing this hoe here in a mumbled Halle types nigga wtf u say. I

SAID WHY U BRING THIS HOE HERE with that up cutts princeston well nigga damn I say I'm sorry prod says but u

Just got KNOCK

TF OUT prod says oh shit roc says lol Halle's type princeston gets up with a busted lip and a bloody nose I help u roc says and they walk to the bathroom

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