Hello niggas

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SO while in the bathroom I take off the thing that was covering my swimsuit and I see ray and prod just staring at me what nigga i type oh nuthin ray but prod opens his mouth DAUMMMM GIRL YO ASS BIG ASF JUST THEN. I feel some watching me so I turn over and see roc and prince just standing there watching me um yes I typed oh what nuthin I typed it in all caps IF SOMEBODY DOES TELL ME WHAT U ARE LOOKING AT ME FOR IM PUT ICE DOWN ALL YOUR SHORTS no one said nuthin I typed alright nvr mind den knowing I was gonna put them ice down there shorts so I started to swim and I started to get put the pools feeling the boys looking at me bot Idc so I was looking for ray's room I was getting lost in this big ass house after searching for 10 minutes but I finally found ray ray room I striped down and took a shower with steaming hot water so after I just but on ray basketball shorts and and a sports bra I walk down stairs and see all the boys fast asleep I forgot it was 2:00 so I walk down stairs and all a sudden i forget about what I said about putting ice down your shorts so while there sleep I put tape on there

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