i promise (loki x reader)

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For our first story, I kinda went to the depressing side of things so yeah


Don't say I didn't warn you, because I did. :)

Y/n is "your name"


"So, King of Asgard, where to next?" Valkyrie said, putting her hand on Thor's shoulder. "I don't know. Meek, where are you from?" Thor asked. "Oh, Meek's dead. I accidentally squashed him while fighting. So I'm carrying him around because I feel bad," Korg said. Then Meek started to move around in his arms. "Look he's alive!!" Korg exclaimed. You rolled your eyes and chuckled. You turned around and walked away as they continued to discuss where to go. You walked down a hallway and made a left into your room. You closed the door and saw a silhouette in the corner of your room. Two daggers appeared in your hands and you drew closer to the silhouette.

"I just got finished fighting a thousand dead soldiers, don't make me add you to the list of dead things too," you threatened. "That isn't nice, now is it, darling," a familiar voice said. You turned on the light and exhaled in relief when you saw your best friend, Loki. "Jesus, Loki. You can't scare me like that," you said laughing pointing the dagger in your right hand at him. "I see you've perfected the dagger trick I taught you," he said, coming closer to you. You nodded, flipping the dagger and catching it. "Well I am only part goddess so, things like this don't come that easy," you said. He laughed, plopping himself on your bed.

Loki's always been this comfortable around you. You and Thor were the only ones who didn't think of him as the evil god that people put him out to be. "You know, we could've died. No wonder Odin imprisoned Hela," you said. "Well, we would've died in honor. For Asgard," Loki said, mimicking his brother. "This was never about stopping Ragnarock, it was about causing it," you joked along, holding up your hand and making fake lightning come from your fingertips. "Oh, what was that? Were those sparkles?" Loki said, trying to mimic the Grand Master. You laughed loudly and plopped on your bed next to him. Both of you caught in a laughing fit. "Who knew that my best friend would be the god of mischief? I'm so lucky I don't have one of  those snobby Asgardians as a best friend," you said, sitting up.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Loki asked, sitting up next to you with a small smile on his face. "Oh yeah, how could I forget? Five years ago, an Asgardian tries to rule New York and destroys almost half of the city. I had the best time fighting those alien bastards," you said over enthusiastically. He laughed and said,"My favorite part was when you guys had captured me, you came in so calmly and you just slapped me." You snorted at the memory. "Ah, I miss the old days," You sighed. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, thinking to yourselves. Then the silence was broken by an alarm, with a single red light flashing on the roof of you room. "Huh, I didn't know this ship had an alarm system built into it," you observed. "Well it was the Grand Masters ship, but I think we should see what's going on," Loki said, getting up from his position on the bed.

"You're right," you said, getting up next to him. Loki opened the door and gestured for you to go first. You walked out with Loki behind you. You started to hear yelling in the main area and you looked to Loki to see that he had his armor on and two daggers in his hands. You did the same, a pink aura forming around your body. Armor appeared around your curved figure and one big sword came into view in your right hand. As the both of you came closer, you could hear more of the yelling and screaming. Turning left into the main area, you saw a big alien and other normal-sized aliens fighting all of the Asgardians. In the back of the crowd, a big purple guy in golden armor, was standing with his arms crossed. "Oh no," you muttered. "Who is that?" Loki whispered in your ear. You turned around, a worry and panic painted on your face. "Y/n, who is it?" Loki asked again, gripping your shoulders. "That's Thanos," you finally said.

"Who's Thanos?" Loki said, confused. "He wipes out planets, and takes what he wants no matter the cost. He's extremely dangerous, but I don't know why he's here," you explained. "We have to go help," Loki said. The both of you ran to the commotion and started to battle the aliens. You dug your sword into the chest of one, and used all your strength to pick it up with the sword and bash it into another ones head. "Where the hell have you been?" Thor said, fighting one with his bare hands. "Loki and I were talking in my room and then we heard the alarms. How long have they been here?" You asked, slicing through an aliens neck without looking. "Just for a couple of minutes, but I don't know why they're here," Thor said, punching one in their face.

"Do you think Thanos wants the Tesseract?" You asked, deeply concerned for Asgard's safety. "If even he does, we don't have it. It got destroyed on Asgard," Thor grunted, choking out an alien. Your full focus went back to killing the alien dudes. After all of them were finished off, the main area of the ship was demolished. The roof was gone and tiny fractions of columns were still intact to the floor. You laid on the floor, your sword shattered to pieces next to your hand. Your head was pounding and your body was on fire. You had at least three broken ribs and a major concussion. You saw a figure racing towards your practically limb body. "O-Oh god, Y-Y/n. Are you okay? C-Can you hear me?" Loki questioned you, worry drowning his tone.

He put his hand behind your head and another on the small of your back, lifting you up. "H-Hey, Reindeer Games. What's up?" You coughed out. Loki chuckled, his eyes becoming glossy. He hated seeing you like this after battle. "Did we win yet?" You said, looking at your surroundings. "Not yet, my darling. But we will," Loki sighed. He helped you to a more secure place, not as revealing as your last spot. He leaned you up against a wall, you grunted in pain as you held your hand to your side. Loki put his hands on the side of your head and his lips on your forehead. "I promise you, the sun will shine on us again, my queen. I love you," Loki whispered to you, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead.

You looked up and smiled softly. "I love you too, Loki," you pressed a small kiss to his lips. He sighed and nodded. He got up and walked somewhere barely out of your sight. "The Tesseract. Hand it to me," you heard Thanos say. You saw that Thanos had his hand clamped around Thors head. It was silent for a couple of moments. You could tell that people were giving each other looks. "Loki?" Thor questioned. "The Tesseract? Or your brothers head? I assume you have a preference?" Thanos bargained. "Oh, I do. Kill away!" Loki said. You saw Thanos squeeze his hand around Thors head, getting tighter by the second. You heard Thors screams of pain. "Alright, stop!!" Loki yelled.

Loki held up his hand and the Tesseract appeared. "You really are the worst, brother!!" Thor scowled at Loki. "I assure you, the sun will shine on us again, brother," You heard the familiar line that he told you moments before. Thanos grabbed it and crushed the outer layer, a blue dust covering a similar shade of blue stone. He grabbed the stone and held  it towards the gauntlet on his hand, the stone reacted like a magnet and fitted into its place on the hand shaped armor. He sighed in relief and walked away from Loki, his three minions by his side. "If you're heading to earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena," Loki suggested. Thanos turned around and looked at him. "Well if you consider failure experience," Thanos mocked.

Loki gave him a smug look. "I consider experience experience," he said coldly. "Oh mighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard. Odinson. The rightful king of Jotunheim. God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you my undying fidelity," Loki proclaimed, bowing to Thanos. This most definitely wasn't like him. He never bowed or kneeled to anyone. You looked at his hand and saw a dagger appear in it. Your eyes widened and you struggled to get up. Your voice couldn't be found, a bubble was caught in your throat. You pulled yourself up, gripping onto the wall with your free hand. You stumbled closer to them, neither of them seeing you yet. Loki lunged towards Thanos with the dagger. You reached out your arm, attempting to stop him, but it was too late. Thanos has caught him by this throat.

"Undying? You should chose your words more wisely," Thanos says gripping Lokis neck, strangling him. "Y-You......will never.....be a g-god," Loki said, his face becoming a dark color and his eyes become blood red. Thanos laughed and made a portal, walking into it with his minions. As soon as they disappeared, you ran towards Lokis lifeless body. "N-No, Loki. Wake up, please. Please wake up, h-he's gone now. Y-You can wake up," you stuttered, starting to cry. You heard Thor become free, seeing him beside you. "Oh, brother," he mourned,"He's gone." You shook your head, shaking him and tapping his cheek. "No, he can't be. He can't be," you sobbed, quickly turning to hug Thor. He dug his head into the crook of your neck, crying along with you.


Sorry this one was depressing. I have some good stories coming up for you guys and I'm excited. I know y'all will like them!!

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