appreciation (peter q x daughter! reader)

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This one is where peter quill has become a parent. Enjoy :)


"Gamora, where's Y/n?!" Peter asked nervously. He came into the room with Gamora, whilst she cleaning her favorite sword. "Uhm I don't know, last time I saw her was before she went out flying with Rocket," She replied, placing her sword down and turning to Peter. She noticed the worry on his face and became concerned. She put her hands on his shoulders,"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Tears began to cloud Peter's eyes, and he started to sniffle. "I-I can't find her anywhere on the ship. I asked Rocket and he said that she went into her room after flying, but I checked and she wasn't there," Peter said, trying not to cry in front of her.

"It'll be okay, we will find her," Gamora said, taking Peters hand and leading him to the front of the ship. Drax and Mantis were talking before Mantis saw Gamora and Peter rushing to the control panel. "What's the matter?" She asked, sensing the tension. "Y/n's gone missing," Gamora said sternly, keeping her attention on typing something into the control panel. "Where has she gone?" Drax asked. Peter groaned,"That's the whole point of the phrase 'gone missing'! We don't know where she is!" Drax and Peter continued to fight, while Mantis was watching Gamora do her magic. "What're you doing?" Mantis observed.

"Well, since I'm the only sensible one on this ship, I know the minds of teenagers. I figured this would've happened sooner or later, so I implanted a tracker on Y/n's favorite jacket," Gamora said. Mantis nodded and turned to the boys arguing behind them. "Would you like me to put one of them to sleep?" Mantis asked. "Yes, that would be a big help, thank you," Gamora said, keeping her eyes on the screen. Mantis walked with light steps, behind Drax. She placed her hand on the back of his head and quickly muttered,"Sleep." He stopped talking and fell unconscious. With a big thud, he landed on the floor and began snoring. Peter sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. "Thank you, Mantis," he said, internally grateful that they managed to get someone with empathic and sleeping abilities to save him from situations like those.

"Ah ha! I found her!" Gamora exclaimed. Peter ran to her right side and Mantis was on her left. "Found who? What's going on?" Rocket came in, walking behind Mantis and appearing on her side. "Y/n," Peter and Gamora said at the same time. Rocket nodded, understanding her absence and how worried they were for her. "She's at Knowhere," Gamora said, pointing at coordinations on the screen. The group sat in silence before Rocket spoke up. "Don't we have to go there anyway to get something from the Collector?" He asked, looking at Peter and Gamora. "Let's go," Peter said, sitting down in the pilots seat. Rocket sat down in the copilot seat and started the ship. Mantis and Gamora took a seat too. Gamora noticed Baby Groot standing on a railing. She took him in her hands and placed him on her shoulder.

Meanwhile on Knowhere...

Y/n wandered aimlessly through the busy streets of Knowhere with her hands in her favorite leather jacket that Gamora gave her. She was relieved that she had finally gotten some time to herself instead of staying trapped on the Milano with the rest of the morons. Especially Peter. As a 18 year old, she had been overdue for some alone time. He had been so harsh on her lately. He had saved her from a dying planet when she was just a baby. She came from a fire planet and people there usually have heat powers. Since she wasn't raised there like the others, her powers were a bit underdeveloped. She tried to practice on them but it just wasn't working for her. A small spark could be ignited but that was about it. She had found a power specialist on the wide web that worked in Knowhere.

After flying with Rocket, she had went to her room and waited until the rest of the crew was occupied to sneak out and meet the specialist. And this is where she was now, wandering aimlessly for her appointment with him. Or her. It wasn't specified what the gender or species of the specialist. A woman in her mid-twenties came up to Y/n with her hands folded up. She had pink skin and dark hair, pulled into two pigtails on each side of her head. "Miss Y/n, the Collector will see you now," she said sweetly. Y/n nodded and followed the lady. They walked through a crowd of people and eventually came upon a tunnel. The young woman turned to Y/n and ushered her to follow.

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