~ I N T R O ~

157 4 9

Catalyst has been rated Mature for:

- Strong language

- Gore 

- Death

~What happens when Jisung loves Chenle, but Chenle just doesn't look at him that way?~

Hanahaki disease- A disease ( non contagious ) which is triggered by someone loving someone, but the person they love not loving them back. This causes the person to cough up flowers and flower petals, as a flower bush starts to grow in their lungs, having stems and tendrils sprout round their lungs, restricting  breath, and sometimes growing round the body if it is especially bad.







Length:  From 16 - 20 chapters


Main characters:

Park Jisung

Zhong Chenle

Lee Jeno


Lee Donghyuck

Na Jaemin

Lee Mark

Huang Renjun


Set in: Go era

A/N- Hi guys! I'm going to be posting chapter one for now, but expect the other chapters in a short and quick burst after i've written the other chapters. So get excited!

A/N - If you are of the weak of heart and are sensitive to gore, please click off, this isn't going to be the nicest of fluff stories 

Catalyst - Chensung x Hanahaki [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now