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Half of it was flowers, half vines. Bloodied flowers erupted from his lungs, littering the bathroom.

Like a messed-up florists. 

Jisung was screaming, but silenced by the vines, plunging through is glass skin, and out of his chest.

More petals fell out, the bathroom cubicle full.

Jisung's eyes fluttered open and closed, not really understanding or comprehending the situation., the room blurring in-front of him.

He let out a stifled sob as he vines pressed into his chest and the thorns pricking away, leaving cuts everywhere.

Jisung looked around, his eyes tearing at the pain, and seeing white flowers, covering the floor. He gingerly took of his shirt and looked at his chest.

He let out a silent scream.

Between his lungs, a huge array of thorns and stems had erupted out.

Where once was milky white smooth skin was a mass of cuts and leafy tendrils.

He grabbed his t-shirt as he coughed up yet more rose petals.

He slipped it back on and attempted to flush the petals down the toilet.

He cursed himself and left the bathroom, trying to regain normal composure.

Yikes i'm so sorry  i'm such a bad author.  I've had a lot to do. I hope you enjoyed this one and aren't too disturbed. rip

rosy -xo

Catalyst - Chensung x Hanahaki [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now