~--+Chapter One+--~

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November 12th, 2018 11:03PM

I have successfully acquired a blood substitute that appears to work better than the overpriced, black market brand. It does not taste nearly as good as the market brand or the, original substance itself.. But it will do. Until I can make something better that is.

I am not quite sure what my next project will be yet, but I suppose it will come to me eventually. I have all the time in the world after all..

That is all, until I next pick up a pen,

Peridot Immergrün

Peridot carefully closed the three-inch thick notebook,it was nearly full,and set the book full of her research and notes in its rightful place in her bookcase.

Pushing her spherical glasses up the bridge of her nose,she got up from her large, wooden desk. As she stretched, she could feel multiple things crack. How long had she been sitting? Thinking back,she realized she had been sitting there for five hours,busy doing various things,the last of which was the entry in her journal that had taken her about five minutes.

But,five hours was five hours nonetheless,and her stomach roared in protest. Time to go unfreeze dinner.. Peridot thought,unenthusiastically.


After eating the substance that filled,but not wholly satisfied her organ of food storage,she tried to get back to her work,but had just completed her most recent project and nothing new had come to her yet. And although it was true she had an eternity to wait for it to come,that didn't mean she liked waiting.

So,because she didn't need to sleep,she never did,and did not want to go stir crazy,she grumpily put on her sneakers,emerald green adidas,and her brown trench coat that she had owned for a few decades, still in great condition due to the fact that she almost never went outside,and slinked out the door.


Exactly 21.4 minutes later Peridot arrived at her intended destination, The Crystal Club. On the outside it appeared to be a normal, if not slightly in need of a remodeling,club. But that was just a cover for the real club in the basement of the basement.

The Crystal Club was really a club for the supernatural,a safehaven of sorts. It was run by the Universe family and friends.

And Peridot happened to be on good terms with said owners,a bit of a miracle considering her past history with clubs,not just paranormal.

After proving she was not human,she walked in.

It was a large room, about 75 by 83.36 feet,but who was measuring?

The walls were black-painted bricks,and a thin layer of smoke filled the room,allowing the various lasers and lights to traverse across the room and dance around. The music was loud,but quiet enough that those with super hearing would well,KEEP that super hearing.

A bar started on the left side and curved around to cover a fifth of the far wall,with Pearl,Ruby, Sapphire,and Garnet serving customers their drinks. Also on the far wall,in the center,sat a DJ table,with as always,none other than Amethyst manning that station. Bright lights and a disco ball hung from the ceiling. And the formerly introduced ball was casting glittering,multicolored stars every-which way.

The decently sized dance floor was packed, as were all the seats and the bar.

Peridot walked through the door only to be rapped in a tight hug by a short,chubby boy,with black,poofy hair. "Peridot!" The boy,Steven,yelled enthusiastically, "What drags you out of your lab?"

He stopped the hug to make eye contact with the short blonde,and Peridot could get a good look at the boys 9,000 gigawatt smile.

"I finished my last project and didn't feel like going stir crazy." Peridot replied frankly.

"Oh,okay," Steven's smile fell, and it looked like he was trying to remember something as the two of them walked over to the bar.

As they sat down he made an 'AhHa!' face before turning to Peridot and asking, "Is the warehouse next to yours still for sale?"

Slightly taken aback, she cautiously answered, "Yes... Is there a particular reason for you to want that information?"

Sitting back in his chair, Steven was about to respond, but great timing as always, Pearl walked over to the odd duo.

If she was surprised to see the lone wolf of an alchemist, she didn't show it. Instead she flashed a soft smile before asking, "Hello Peridot, What would you like to drink? We just got in some-" Peridot raised her hand whilst interrupting with the bare minimum of, "No thank you." Not even bothering to use her name.

With a small huf, Pearl then turned on her heel and went to go serve someone else who didn't act like an entitled snob. (Although she herself was hardly a saint in that category)

Steven looked awkwardly between Pearl's retreating form and the pale woman sitting next to him before voicing his thoughts, "You know you didn't have to be THAT rude about it."

The offender herself however, brushed his comment to the side before restating her previous question, "Why do you want to know about the warehouse next door Steven?"

Of course, because life seemed dead set on not cooperating today, just as Steven was about to attempt to answer Peridot's question for the second time that night, a pair of thin, dark arms wrapped themselves around the boy and pulled him out of his chair and into a tight hug.

The arms belonged to a semi-tall, latino-looking girl with bright blue hair cut in a shape vaguely reminiscent of a bob. Caramel freckles covered her shoulders and nose. She was wearing a black tank top with dark blue, knee-ripped jeans, along with a necklace with the pendant appearing to be a lapis lazuli, if Peridot remembered her handbook to gems correctly.

"Steven!" The mysterious woman greeted, "Hey!"

Releasing himself from the bear hug, Steven smiled while giving her a greeting in return, "Lapis! You made it!"

Peridot was too shocked to even notice that 'Lapis' was wearing a 'lapis lazuli' stone. And it wasn't shock because she found the girl utterly beautiful, though she was hot by normal standards. No, she was shocked by what this girl was, a witch. And witches haven't set foot in this town in ages, because this town was controlled by alchemists, or used to be. Peridot was the only one left, and the 'crystal gems' made her take down the barrier a few months ago.

Lapis seemed to finally notice her and locked eyes with the pale alchemist, the vampire alchemist.

Ice blue met peridot green in a clash that could shake mountains.

With a hiss, the vampire teleported away, out of the building, back to her warehouse. But the air still held the tension and energy from that brief confrontation.

Slowly, the room regained it's previous aura, and the blue haired witch turned to the chubby boy, "I'm going to assume that's the alchemist you told me about?" Her voice sounded calm enough, but her eyes had yet to settle back to their normal, warm brown.



So, I'm not dead. Sorry I've been so inactive, I just crawled my way out of a HUGE writing block, and hope that I will be able to be more consistent with my updates, and more importantly FINISH a story, this story preferably.

I will try for weekly updates, but will try for sooner with the first few.


okay I'm done now. bye.

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