~-+Chapter Two+-~

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Peridot was currently pacing through her warehouse-turned-lab like a madman.

Her swirling thoughts kept going back to that witch. That blue haired, gem named, goddamn witch.

At this point the alchemist had resorted to pulling at her hair in lack of a better outlet for her frustration.

'What was she doing here? How does she know Steven?! She shouldn't be here!! '

The vampire's thoughts shifted to those 'crystal clods'.

'If only they hadn't made her take down the barrier! Then I wouldn't have been stressing about this to begin with!! '

Anger boiling over, Peridot shouted her frustrations to the empty warehouse.

A harsh wave of magic emitted from her hands, moving a large metal storage shelf on the far left side of her lab with a ear-splitting screech.

Peridot froze, taking a few deep breaths before walking over and fixing the storage shelf.

With a large sigh, she sat down against the cool metal of the shelf, head in her hands. Calmer now, she reprimanded herself for her actions. What did it matter to her? She was probably never going to see the witch again, and if she did she could just ignore her.

She was still disappointed in her actions, she thought she had learned from her past actions. After all, letting her emotions take over had been what allowed the crystal gems to defeat her so easily.


Eight months ago Peridot had been repairing the barrier. It needed almost constant repair with the rate these 'crystal annoyances' kept trying to tare it down.

Though that didn't mean she wasn't an annoyance to them. They were never really pleased to find their hard work from the day or night before almost completely undone, a fact that filled the short woman with a crude satisfaction.

Unfortunately, meant that they were determined to track her down, and had gotten dangerously close to succeeding.

But Peridot was far too prideful to back down. And so when the crystal jerks finally cornered her one night, it was to no surprise that she made no attempt to escape.

Peridot had made a silent promise to never speak of that fight. And anyone who knew could understand why, she lost. Badly.

It was so pathetic and embarrassing that the crystal gems almost felt bad.

But because I am feeling kind and am a good narrator, (usually ;3) I will leave the details for you to think up.

... Did I just break the fourth wall?

Oops. (This is part of the reason I said usually)


Back to the present, Peridot was trying to take her mind off things. And she was doing so by finally watching the reboot of Camp Pining Hearts.

Her only words for it were: "Paulette is even worse in the reboot!! How is that even possible!?"

But the reboot itself was good, not quite up to par with the original, but what reboot is?

She was currently one episode away from season one finale. It changed up the story a bit, which Peridot had to give them credit for.

As the credits started to roll, and Peridot was about to click on the final episode of the season, her stomach growled.

Cursing, she turned off the TV and went to go unfreeze her meal. A blood mixture that substituted human blood.

Now before you ask, 'Why can't she just kill a goat or something?' She can't. No vampire could.

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