DAY11 : Comics or movies?

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❝Relax Eli, it's just juvie❞  Young Avengers comics

❝Relax Eli, it's just juvie❞  Young Avengers comics

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❝So I'm saving a grown man from a monster. Not the worst way for a teenage girl to spend her Friday evening❞   SpiderGwen comics

 Not the worst way for a teenage girl to spend her Friday evening❞   SpiderGwen comics

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  + (Image Comics ft The Wicked + The Divine & Sex Criminals & Saga)

I've never missed a Marvel movie in cinema, or a show on TV, that's true. I got into Marvel and other geeky things because of the gotg movie, that's true, but that doesn't hold a candle to how much I love comics. Comics are so expressive, there's so many characters, plot lines, so much to explore. There are universes that end and begin from 0, hundreds of different ways our favourite heroes get to be interpreted and shown, nobody is ever truly dead... Comics are amazing, as much as I love the movies, without comics, there wouldn't be movies.

I added the little Image Comics list because those are my favourite comic series and I thought some of you might enjoy that!

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