DAY30 : Team Captain America or Team Ironman?

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!Team Ironman [Pro-accords]

❝And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?❞

   ❝How about Dangerous?❞  

This to me is more pro-accords vs anti-accords than teams, so when I make my position I in no way mean that the characters of team cap aren't good characters/that I hate them/that they don't have solid points etc

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This to me is more pro-accords vs anti-accords than teams, so when I make my position I in no way mean that the characters of team cap aren't good characters/that I hate them/that they don't have solid points etc. Ironically most of my favourite characters are actually on team cap, but the characters and their points of views or their motivations for their actions doesn't change my view on the accords themselves.

The accords were written by the United Nations, aka a shit ton of countries got together and said 'this is what we collectively have agreed is correct, even with our different laws and political views and agendas this is something we have all unanimously agreed upon'. 

The United Nations representatives are chosen by the people, these accords are made by the people for the people.

If I was a civilian in the world of the MCU I'd be terrified of everything that's going on I mean, have you seen half of the crazy shit that happens in these movies? That's someone's reality and that's insane. As much as you and I know exactly why they do what they do, their behaviours their actions their reasoning etc the common folk don't. Most of these heroes take matters into their own hands, and sometimes they fail sometimes they succeed. Sometimes you can confuse heroes from villains and villains for heroes I mean arent' they all just people who are better than you and able to break you? The only thing that sets them apart is their motivations and the normal civilian doesn't really know that. And what they do know is what the media tells them and we all know exactly how manipulative the media can be.

Also yes I do think teams like the Avengers should be held accountable for their actions and that there should be some control. If they suddenly decide to go on a rogue mission and my house gets trapped in the between what the hell is gonna happen to me? Everything's gone in the blink of an eye because some superhuman asshole got pissy.

It's hard on the heroes, but it's also logical. And while I understand why people (more specifically heroes) would be anti-accords I can't n good conscience reject them because in the end, that's what I am right, just a helpless civilian who if they happen to get in the crossfire that's it for them. 

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