Chapter 1 :meeting 707

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Mc's pov

It's just a normal Sunday afternoon and my dad is out using my money to get himself some groceries. I'm bored out of my mind so I decided to look for some random texting app to just have some human interaction. I came across this thing called mystic messenger but it was password protected. I went threw files and cracked the code then joined and there wasn't too many people in this chat room

System: mc has entered the chatroom

Jumin:who are you?

Yoosung: it's a stranger but how did they get in?!?

Jaehee:seven you better not be playing jokes!


707:nope not me

Zen:well hello my name is zen

Jumin:zen don't communicate with "them"

Mc: her*



Jaehee:I don't trust you😑

(Time skip to when everything is solved and mc has all the information about the parties)

707:so you in?

Mc:sure. Oh crap my dad's home I have to go!



System:mc has left the chatroom

Mc's pov

My dad knocked on my door then I opened it and he threw my wallet at me and a water bottle and a Mack Of skittles.

Dad:there's your dinner be great full!

Mc:thank you dad(I said forcing a smile)

Dad:hmp better

Mc:hay dad can I go out for a little bit

Dad:sure but you better bring me back a pack of cigarettes

Mc:yes sir...

(Mc left there apartment with her skittles water and wallet and she went out to walk around the city)

Yoosungs pov

Me and seven were hanging out in the city just goofing off going to play at an arcade and then seven froze and looked at this girl with (insert color hair her) hair and (eye color here) eyes. I joked around and said "hay seven new girlfriend?". He started pulling me that way then hid behind a wall near her and he said "it's mc"

Yoosung:how do you know?

707:I hacked her photos and that's definitely her

Yoosung:should we talk to her?

707:let's wait

Yoosung:ok but I have to go to the bathroom so I'm going and you just stay here


Mc's pov

I went in a gas station and I felt like I was being watched but I shrugged it off. I went and asked for two pack a cigarette so I could save some for later so I wouldn't have to come back her for a little bit and then I went and payed for them and got a chocolate bar to nibble on. I finished shopping and Then went outside and walked to the park

Yoosung:hay seven ready to go to the arcade?

Seven:I kinda want to meet this mc girl

Yoosung:well if you want we can go talk to her or I could go home and play LoLoL and hangout another time

Seven:heh you go play your games

Sevens pov

Yoosung have me a high five then we went are separate ways and I went and sat beside mc and as soon as I sat down I noticed a pack of cigarettes fall out of her pocket

Seven:hay mc are these yours?

Mc:how do you know me?

Seven:it's me seven I hacked you phone and found a picture of you

Mc:well yeh it's mine it's for my dad

Seven:what about your mom

(Mc went quiet and got the cigarettes and put the in her pocket)

Seven:oh I'm sorry

Mc:it's ok

Seven:so your dad?

Mc:yea he's at home and he wanted a pack

Seven:well you look hungry so maybe we should go get some dinner?

(Mc pulls out a water and a pack of skittles)

Mc:no thanks this is my dinner

Seven:only that?

Mc:well dad doesn't have a job and well I'm a hacker so I'm the only who makes money and I have to save

Seven:oh......can I ask you something Kinda personal


Seven:it could just be me but I grew up with abusive parents and well I know the pain of it and I was just wondering. Is your dad abusive?


Seven:want a hug?

(Mc gave seven a tight hug and he hugged her back and she started to cry on him a little)

Seven:hay why don't I see if I can set up a vacation to get everyone in the R.F.A to go to the beach

Mc:I don't dad might not be happy with me going because he needs me and my money

Seven:I can help take care of that

Mc:if you can get everyone to agree to go and if you can get everything set up then I will go


Mc:I promise

Seven:heh it's getting late so you should get some before it gets dark and il do the same

Mc:ok I hope to see you and the others soon

Seven:heh same

Mc's pov

We both left the park and I went home and as soon as I got home my dad shoved me against the wall and hit me with a plate.

Dad:who is he!

Mc:a new friend of mine

Dad:you can't leave me you know this!

Mc:yes sir(she hands him the pack of cigarettes)

Dad:thank you

(Mc nodes and goes to her bedroom and locks her door looked at the bruises on her arms and hopes they would just go away)

To be continued

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