Chapter 5:this took a turn

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(Seven and yoosung started building there sand castles while Mc and jaehee were hanging out in the ocean collecting sea shells)

Mc:hay jaehee look at this one!

(She showed her a perfect sea shell)

Jaehee:hehe it's perfect just like zen

Mc:do you like him?

Jaehee:oh no I just admire him he's so talented and professional

Mc:oh i see

Jaehee:hay why don't we make necklaces

Mc:we should make some for everyone

Jaehee:yeah (she smiled)

Mc:jaehee your fun to hang out with

Jaehee:oh really Iv never been told that

Mc:well you are

(They continued collecting enough for everyone then went on the shore to make the necklaces)

Seven:hah yoosung mine is better

Yoosung:no way!

Seven:yeah it is!

(Yoosung fell on sevens destroying it)

Yoosung:not any more

(He laughed which made seven laugh then seven destroyed yoosungs then they went to hang out with jumin and zen)

Jumin:you two look like y'all are having fun

Yoosung:we are


Seven:why aren't you two hanging out in the water?

Jumin:the water burns my eyes

Zen:I can't risk it messing up my beautiful hair

Seven:hah narcissistic much

Yoosung:hay why don't we get some music on and set up some torches for tonight we could sleep outside tonight

Jumin:that would be fun

Zen:hay seven so are you trying to make the moves on Mc?


Zen:I mean you two are getting close

Seven:it's not like that at all

Jumin:are you sure?

Mc:hay guys!

(Mc yelled from the shore)

Jumin:yes Mc

Mc:come here!

(Everyone came)

Jaehee's pov

Mc put a necklace on yoosung and I put on on zen then she put on jumin and I put one on seven and they all liked them.heh I can see why seven hangs out with her so much.i may join them

Yoosung:thanks Mc I love it

Jumin:yes it is truly beautiful

Mc:I don't get all of the credit. Jaehee had the idea I just followed her

Zen:wow jaehee thank you

Seven:yeah thank you

Jaehee:heh your welcome

Mc:today was so fun (she said with a smile)


Yoosung:well the guys wanted to sleep outside tonight so would y'all like to join us?

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