Author's Note

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The Song is called Hand in my Pocket by Alanis Morissette. My mom got me into liking Alanis Morissette's music and this song makes me smile.


Hey everyone or anyone! Thank you for taking a look into my book. I had written something in the description of the book that I would like to redirect in to this note.

This is what I had written in the description in the book:

"I would just like to say that this is my first ever book. I started writing this back in my high school creative writing class and now I am in college as junior. I have read a lot of books on this site and I thought I would give it a try. I may not be the best writing but I would love for you guys to start reading it and give me some feedback. I am nervous to post it here, however because I don't want hate. I really want kindness and understanding. Posting this story is a big step for me and I really don't share what I write often. I want everyone to be respectful because us writers work really hard on our books and while it is important to have some criticism, we don't need people to do it in a mean way. I was bullied in my life and it took a toll on me. It made me less confident in my passions and as I grew up, I got some of it back. However, I still struggle and so do a lot of people So what I am asking for is for everyone to be patient with me. The title of the book is subject to change and I will come up with chapter names as I go. I just want to see if anyone would like what I wrote. I am terrified and I want to brave with this. So please give me some positive feedback."

I have a little bit more I would like to say before I you start reading this book. I am not looking to get famous from this or anything, I just want to write and write.. That is truly my passion. I can't what for you guys to get started.  I will post author notes throughout the book. I will also post a quote at the end of each. The quote won't go with the chapter but it might be inspiration or give someone to a reason to smile. I will try to post songs that go with the chapter!

HAPPY READING and remember to smile!



"Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear, to hide every pain" – Will Smith

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