The first meeting...

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-----------in ALO ---------

Author: So... Kirito, how did you and Asuna get together?? Everyone's dying to know!!!

Kirito: Err.... Um.... I... Guess we um... Liked each other I guess.... We got married in SAO....and um we got together after I joined "Knights of the blood". Can you guys stop staring?? " blush"

Klein: Kirito, you damn bastard!!! How come you say you aren't popular with woman but lots of pretty girls are crowding around you!! I want a girlfriend too!!

Agil: Calm down.... You're disturbing the others..

Lizbeth: Ehhh!!! But what did you like about Asuna??? Her face, her hair or her personality??? Tell me!! Come on!!!

Silica: Me too Kirito- kun!!! I want to know too!!!

Kirito: Um that's too many questions to answer...

Author: Everyone calm down.... You'll get your turn...

Lizbeth: Aww.... " pout"

Asuna: I'm embarrassed...

Leafa: Onii- chan you got married??? I never though you were so...... I mean you were only 16 ........

Kirito: Its not like that... It's like there was a thing in SAO where if you shared feelings for each other you got this option where you could share inventories and that's called " marriage" Stop saying like I'm crazy or something!!!

Lizbeth: Kirito is stuttering " smirk"

Silica: Author-San when is it my turn.??" Angry face"

Author: it'll be you're turn in a while...

Sinon: Wait wait wait!!! You could marry in SAO??. That's crazy!!! I mean really!!

Kirito: Well don't ask me... Ask the person who made it... Anyways I'm not crazy..

Asuna: Well Sinon, you are right in a way..

Kirito: Asuna!! Don't side with her too!!

Lizbeth: Well for the fun of it, I'll side with Asuna.

Silica: I'll side with Kirito-kun...

Kirito: Thanks, Silica.

Leafa: I'll go with Asuna-San.

Author: What is this now?? Wasn't this suppose to be a truth or dare???


Author: What was that??!!!

Lizbeth: Food fight!!!!

BAM!!! SPLAT!!!!

Kirito: Oh, here I come!!!


Asuna: Calm do- SPLASH!!

Asuna: Now you've don't it!!! Rawr!!!!

Agil: Even you???


Klein: Damn you!!!! Here I come!!!

Author:Calm down!!! You- SPLAT!!!

Author: Arghh!!!

-------- Please wait while I beat them up er scratch that I mean clean up-------------

A few minutes later-------

Author: Now are you guys calm???

All: Yes Author-San ( omg, she's scary)

Author: Now it's Sinon's turn??

Sinon: What should I ask.??

Asuna: Anything you want." Smile"

Sinon: Ok.... So...... Anything??? That's hard...

Klein: Need some ideas? I got some right her in my head!!

Kirito punches Klein in stomache PUNCH!!

Klein: Arghh!!! What was that for??

Kirito: Don't get any ideas Klein...

Sinon: I've decided!! I.......

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