Fans?? Why??

2.6K 50 52

Author: It's your turn, Silica-chan!!

Silica: Ok, I'm gonna ask Kirito a question, I know we've all have just been asking Kirito, but oh well..

Silica: Kirito, do you have any fans?? If yes are they mostly male of female?? you can't lie!!!

Liz: Oh I've been wanting to know that too!!

Asuna: Ki...Ri...To..!!!!

Kirito: Um... Probably not....

Author: Kirito, are you kidding me???!!!!!???!!

You have tons of female fans out there, I'm even a fan!!!!!!

Don't you dare say you don't have any!!!

Kirito: Oh.... Really?? I never knew.....

Klein: You lucky bastard!!! " bites handkerchief"

Agil: Obviously...

Author: And every girl that watches Sword Art Online falls in love with you eventually!!! Really!!!!

Kirito: What???? That's......

Asuna: Kirito!!!!!!!!!! " pulls hand into a knuckle ready to punch"

Sinon: ....... ( I'm also one of them....... how embarrassing...)

Liz, Silica: Er....... ( Actually we met Kirito and fell in love with him..... But I'm not saying that out loud...)

Sinon: "snickers". But Kirito has lots of MALE fans as well..... By lots I mean so much that they would try to hit on him.

All girls( except Sinon): What???!!!??! Are they.... They.....

All boys(except Kirito ): What????!!! I would never hit on Kirito....

Kirito: Um.... It's actually You know about my character in

GGO, right?? It just looks female so um people naturally think I'm a

girl and try to do whatever they try to do with normal girls in VRMMO.....

All(except Sinon): ................... ( OMG).......

Sinon: See?? It was true.

Klein: That sounds slightly wrong.....

Author: Now quiet down's Asuna's turn !!!

Asuna: Ehh?? Me?? Well who should I ask??

Liz: You should ask your sweetheart " snickers " Kirito!!

Asuna: " blush" what do you mean swe- et h-heart???!!

Liz: We all know what that means!!!!

Asuna : I've got an idea now!!!

All: what?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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