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He's so hot. I sit in economics while staring at the face on the other side of the room. He is absolutely perfect.
"Stop it" David wakes me to reality abruptly
"Stop what?" I smile at him
"Stop staring at my best friend." He winks.   "Especially when I'm sitting right next to you, and I'm sooo much hotter then him."  We both laugh. Me and David know each other so well. Sometimes I think he knows me better then my girlfriends.
"Then you Stop drooling over Anna"
"Who wouldn't drool over her?"
I roll my eyes and go back to staring at Cameron. As I was watching he suddenly jerked his head to move his hair; it caught the light and the golden gleam nearly blinded me. His hair itself was like spun gold, each thread falling perfectly, weaving together into curls that framed his tanned face. He paused for a moment, tapping his pen quietly on the desk before he continued writing. I watched his hand as he wrote. His fingers were long but strong looking, his fingernails pink and smooth, with half moons near the cuticles. My eyes wandered up his arm, to his strong forearm disapearing into the sleeve of his uniform, pushed up to below his elbow to free his hands. I watched his hand as it moved up to rub some unknown irritant from his eye. His nose was straight and acquiline, his lips (his lips!) perfectly formed, parted slightly, his breath, I imagined, moving in and out in steady streams of air. Suddenly, he looked up and I caught a flash of is emerald eyes framed by tangled golden lashes before ducking my head and pretend to work.
"David! Hey David!"
Davids curls were midnight black and his eyes were dark brown, framed by graceful brows. He skin was tanned. He had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose. Unlike Cameron, his was always obscured by his fuzzy, thin beard. Muscles rippled across every part of his body.
"Catch!" Suddenly a rubber goes spiralling towards me it hits me right in the eye.
"Oh my god Cameron! Candy are you ok?"
The teacher scuttles over.
"Cameron I saw that. Go take Candice to medical now!"
Oh my god fuck. I can't be alone with him for that long! I'll mess up and do something embarrassing, I know I will! Reluctantly I get up and so does he.
"I'm so, sorry Candy, David needs to learn how to catch"
"Or you, how to throw." I snap back
"Ok? sorry. didn't mean to offend you" I can feel him roll his eyes.
We walk the rest of the way in silence.
I can't believe I still have a crush on him even though he just gave me a black eye.
"Ok how about this. I'm having a party on Saturday you want to come? As a sorry for your eye?"
"Maybe, I don't really like parties that much"
"What why? My parties are awesome! They'll be so much better than any other you've been to. I promise"
His eyes melt my heart "sureee. Egh I'm regret this later" even his laugh is perfect
"Be there or be square"

(Pic is Cameron)

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