I Thought He Was Just A Friend

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I didn't know, the first time I saw my Romeo.

I thought he was just a friend.

It's been a long year, full of boys.

But this one was never grouped with the rest.

He was separate.

His own.


Shy and scared and full of fear,

I made a home for this boy in my heart,

A little secret place,

Unbeknownst to me until recently.

I though he was just a friend,

A close friend.

But slowly all my walls have come down to him.

He knows me better than anyone,

Perhaps even myself.

He's seen the dark and the wretched,

But the light and the fun in me, too.

And I have seen the same in him.

I thought he was just a friend.

A friend with benefits? you might ask.


It isn't like that.

We're much more than friends.

The attraction was born of spilling our souls to each other...

And finding them the same.

Kindred spirits that felt alone despite our friends,

Except in each other's company.

I thought he was just a friend.

Oh how wrong one can be!

In the days that have passed,

The kisses shared,

The quiet moments in each other's arms,

The recent and heated passions of entwined hearts and bodies,

I have realized that I have never felt so happy,

So alive and full of delight.

All the lines in a love song make sense,

I think that he's the one...

Because he is the Doctor to my Rose and I will never let our Doomsday come.

He's going to be in my life forever.

And I could want nothing more.

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