Alpha, Beta, Dead.

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Beta first,

Though not the first,

Taking steps,

A whole new world,

Green, Pink, Red, Blue.

Alpha next,

But really first,

A broken game,

No hope to build.

Blue, Green, Pink, Orange.

Fathers, Mothers, Daughters, Sons,

Sisters, Brothers, all in one.

Friends with horns and crazy hair,

Straight at Death, all will stare.

Start the game,

Everyone in,

Server circles,

Gates that spin.

Through the screen,

Down the rabbit hole,

Not knowing now what all awaits,

But on we go! Fun awaits.

Culure shock and making friends,

Quadrants, pails, colors, horns,

Still a struggle, psychotic clowns,

All want to live, none wish to end.

Figure it out, make it work,

Hand in hand,

Pink to grey,

All of us do die some way.

Now that we're dead,

It does not end,

Rise up and claim your title,

We reach our God Tiers, but at a cost.

Help some more,

Fight the Lord,

Should we have played?

What have we lost?

 But on we go, through the Scratch,

Now there is no turning back.

Jack is bigger, badder, worse,

The Post will lend a helping hand.

On, and on, and on we go,

Spinning faster, fighting hard,

To save the world that we have made,

Save the lives and fight our fates.

Our tale tis nowhere near it's end,

The pages lay, end to end.

When we finish, I do not know,

But  there is no going Home,

We're Stuck.

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