You and Me...

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Jasmine Walker is a seventeen year old African American girl. She's not a girl-next-door-type, but she's extremely kind and as humble as they come. She's never had a boyfriend nor a crush, mainly because she's always thought it was a waste of time. She has her sights on going to Princeton University and become a lawyer. She never left her town except to go to Disney World with her family, and for college visits. In short, all she cared about was her education and rarely did anything fun. She also had the worst experience when she was a Freshman, and because of it, she completely closed herself off from everyone.

Until Lucas Simpson came into her life, and changed everything.

Enter Lucas Simpson. A blonde-haired, gray-eyed fair-skinned eighteen year old Army brat who has lived in Ireland for majority of his life and happens to come to Lincoln High and share all of the same classes with Jasmine. He's adventurous, sarcastic, a troublemaker, but has a fascination with the beautiful girl of color that doesn't seem to notice the effect she has on him, and makes it his job to help her realize it.

The two quickly become friends but at sometimes enemies, and have many adventures at Lincoln High as well as in their spare time. As they spend time together though, they both start noticing the other in a whole new way.

Link below for Irish terms that may be used in the story

Just look for the Irish translator

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