the new royal tutor

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i woke up to sun shining in my eyes. "mmnnn..." i groaned groggily. i slowly and sat up and stretched my arms. there was a knock on my door. "enter..." "sorry for disturbing you, but the new royal tutor will be arriving today. you and your brothers are to greet him in the reception hall." the maid explained. she was marie, my personal maid. she was remarkably normal, brown hair, brown eyes and a typical personality. "thank you marie. you may go, if that is all." i said as i pulled myself out of bed. my nightgown was quickly replaced by the uniform me and my brothers wear. mine was only slightly different, with a mini skirt and thigh high socks. i walked down the hall while tying up my hair with a bow. "i wonder how this tutor will be?"

i stood next to big brother kai as we waited for the tutor. soon enough the doors creaked open to reveal a short man with red hair. he entered and bowed to us. "i am honored to meet you, your highnesses. my name is heine wittgenstein. as of today, i am your Highnesses' royal tutor. the window behind us burst open with wind, and light flooded in to reveal us in all our glory. really, it was too dramatic for my tastes. "the honor is ours, professor heine." leonhard stepped forward. this is gonna be funny. "we're so happy to have you here professor... is that what you thought i'd say? let me set the record straight. father's orders or not, you're just a tutor. a commoner. i am the fourth prince of the kingdom of glanzreich... and you will never order me around. got it?" heine stared at leo analyzing his personality. "now that you understand, you may take your things and-" "professor! gotcha!" licht grabbed the tiny tutor and spun him around. i stared at the man. he was very familiar. too familiar. "hey, are you an adult for real? you're so little! how tall are you exactly? come on, tell me." "damn it, licht! you interrupted me." leo snapped. "that's not fair, leo. i wanna talk to the little professor, too." licht whined. heine turned to him. "you called me 'little'. twice." he stated. i smirked a bit. that's an easy way to push his buttons. "i'm licht von glanzr... saying my full name takes too long. i'm licht. feel free just to call me lichie" "lichie?" "yay!" heine seemed to take some time to analyze him too. licht took the moment to strike a flirty pose and put on a husky voice. "professor... don't tell me you're dizzied by my dashing looks? oh, boy. i'm so seductive, they should lock me up." bruno popped up behind licht and squished his face. "seductive, my foot. obscene is the word you're looking for." he let go of licht and began to entroduce himself. "excuse my younger brother's outburst. as his older brother and the third prince of glanzreich, bruno, i sincerely apologize." i felt kai begin to pet my hair while heine was looking was a habit he developed when we were children. i think it calms him down. "incidentally, i've read through some materials about you. for some reason, your personal history was completely omitted. where in the world did you go to university?" "nowhere." "pardon?" "i never went to university." "you don't say." bruno suddenly became completely cold. "this is the second prince kai. and the first princess Aline" we stood there quietly. "aren't you going to greet the royal tutor?" kai walked up but said nothing. the tutor probably thought he was glaring. i sighed and smiled. "it's very nice to meet you professor heine. i am aline von glonzreich. i look forward to seeing how you handle my brothers antics." i joked. i wanted to say stupidity, but bruno was right behind me. "let us strike while the iron is hot. i will now be interviewing you." "interviewing us?" "i do have some information about you hignesses already." heine brought out a folder. "what do you mean information?" "your reputations in the city, newspaper clippings, the marks you've earned at school, and so on." heine explained. "ooh, what do they say about me? do the ladies call me the pretty prince?" licht asked as heine closed the folder. "i'd like to conduct interviews with each of you to help me plan your lessons." heine said. "that won't be necessary. i despise tutors more than anything! i don't accept you, got it? you'll run away like all the rest of them soon enough, anyway." leonhart said. "agreed. i do not require a so-called royal tutor who never even studied at university." bruno said. "oh, really? then i'm against you, too. not that i care either way." licht said. i just shrugged. it doesn't matter if he's gonna leave anyways. "i see where your highnesses stand on this matter. now, who will be first?" my brothers seemed particularly shocked by this. "were you listening to me?" leo asked. "i assure you i was. you do not wish to accept me as your royal tutor. 'stupid insect. screw you. go die.' was it?" a small smile made it's way onto my lips. "i didn't go that far." heine reached into his coat and pulled out a teachers pointer. he pointed it in our faces. "it is time for a lesson. i will not run. fulfilling my duties as the royal tutor is my only concern. your highnesses' moods change nothing. it is not my job to win you over." he pushed up his glasses, gaining a reflective glare on them. "you refuse to leave, come what may?" leo asked. he only pushed up his glasses again, with a small nod. "too bad. if we boycott your lessons, father will have to listen to us. the five of us will join forces and drive you out of the position of royal tutor." leo said. "yeah... i'm not doing that. sorry leo. i've got better things to do. you can do whatever you want, professor. if you try to find me and i'm not in my room, just ask a maid named marie." i said as i walked out. "wha- ALINE!" leo called. "uh-oh! is that the time? sorry leo. there's a guest waiting in my room." licht apologized, jogging out of the room. "another girl?"i asked as he passed me. "yep. little professor, if you want to interview me, come by after my guest leaves. this is our special time, so don't interrupt. tschuss!" he called as he ran off.

i sat in my room and drew on a sketchbook. the new tutor was interesting. he didn't run away, or try to appeal to our feelings. "this time he's a real teacher. i wonder if he's really..." i was interrupted by a knock on my door. "enter." i didn't bother looking up. i could see red hair in the corner of my eye. "good to see you. my brother's haven't given you too much trouble, i hope?" i said as i finally turned to him. "it's been fine. if you don't mind i would like you to take this test..." heine requested as he pulled out a sheet of paper. "sure." i said as i moved to the coffee table to sit in front of heine. the test was moderately simple and i finished it quickly. heine took the paper and scanned over it. "you seem to be the least troubled of your siblings..." he commented. "i'm sure that's not true. i have a few troubles to deal with." i said. heine raised an eyebrow. "i'm not going to tell you about them!" i exclaimed. "i do have a question though... would you happen to be associated with sunflower orphanage?" i asked. "yes. i sometimes teach there." i smiled. "that's why you were familiar. i have a few friends who grew up there." "really? that's interesting." heine remarked. "well, you must have another brother of mine to test." i said, ushering him out.

heine pov

i walked out of Aline's room, running into a maid. "oh! would you happen to be the new royal tutor?" "yes." the girl smiled at me. "it's nice to meet you. i'm marie. i hope you can get along with Aline. in fact, maybe you can be her friend." "friend?" i asked, confused. "yes. you see, Aline admits that i'm the only one in the palace that she confides in. so please be her friend. i hope she can confide in you too!" marie rambled. "i'll try my best." i said, walking away.

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