past with lau ka long

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"your highness... may i speak with you?" heine asked through my bedroom door. "come in." i called, putting down the book i was reading. heine came in and sat down quietly on my couch. "i have noticed that your relationship with your father is rather strained." he started. i didn't say anything. it was pretty obvious. "i have also noticed your frequent visits to the palace doctor. i decided to pay him a visit and ask him some questions." my fingers twitched. "that's where i learned about an undocumented incident when you were five. where you went missing for two weeks before turning up in an orphanage." i huffed. "great. now i have to explain that too." i grumbled. "well?"

flash back. 

i sat in my room getting ready for bed. it was already dark and no servants were around. i heard a creak from my window, and before i could completely turn around a hand grabbed at my neck. i let out a shrill shriek as i was pushed against my bed. i kicked wildly at my attacker, only to have a rag pressed against my face. in a few seconds i passed out.

i woke up tied to a chair. multiple people were huddled around a table preparing for something. the glint of needles knives and what looked like skewers filled me with dread. i noticed my night shirt hung open with a few small cuts already on my chest. i stayed quiet, but soon one spotted me awake and motioned for someone to go get someone. soon they came back with lau ka long him self. "so the princess is awake. aline? i wonder if your family thinks they are above us?" i shuddered in fear. "what?" "the royal family only keeps proving they have no concerns or respect for us. that means we must work to gain it." he threw some government forms in front of me. it was some new orders passed or something... "aline, you will cooperate with us. if you die a terrible death... it will send our message to your family. goodbye." with that he left. one of the henchmen went up to me with a skewer. he plunged it into my shoulder, causing me to cry out in pain. he left it in and watched the blood seep into my shirt. another one went into my abdomen, missing any vital organs. a third went into my bicep. they were removed eventually, after they had their fun twisting it. one of them came back with a thicker one and aimed it at my left eye. "no! no! stop! no!"

back to the present.

i paused. i figured i could skip over that one detail. "kazama came in and saved me before it could happen." i said quietly.


the man picked me up. "my name is kazama. what's your name?" i stayed quiet and watched the walls pass by us. "i'm going to take you to a safe place until you can tell me then. there are plenty of other children to play with there." he hummed as he carried me to sunflower orphanage.

i stayed quiet as other children chased each other around. "hey! your the new kid, right? i'm yuma!" i tilted my head to look at the boy. he smiled and pointed to another boy. "that's ren." the then pointed to a girl. "that's nishiki." i blinked as they smiled at me happily. "i'm... aline..." i whispered out. yuma grabbed my hand and dragged me out into the yard. "let's play tag! you know how to play, right?" i hesitantly nodded. "good, i will be it then! run!" i nodded and ran away from him, allowing him to chase after me. 

"i am aline von glanzreich." i whispered to kazama as he stared in shock. "to think that crazy bastard lau would go as far as to kidnap a princess." he groaned. "the scary man who kidnapped me is called lau?" i asked curiously. "yes. he was lau ka long. do your best not to get involved with him." i nodded. "are you gonna call my papa now?" i asked innocently. "yes."

as i was being led to a carriage i saw my new friends. i ran to them and hugged them. "let's play some more, later!" i said happily.

back to the present

"and that was the start of my career as a yakuza!" i said happily. "do your brothers remember this?" he asked. i shook my head violently. "it's better they don't honestly. anyways, if you have anything else to talk about..." "i don't for today. i will come back tomorrow though." he stood and left. that was annoying. i sighed. at least he didn't catch that small lie. there was something about that day only kazama and i knew.


as the skewer inched forward i screamed in fear, pulling at my restraints. suddenly they came loose, and my arm darted up to grab the weapon. in a rush of adrenaline i turned it and plunged it into the mans eye. i yanked it out and stabbed it into the seconds mans stomach. i quickly grabbed a scalpel from the table and stabbed the last man in the chest.

the door creaked open and kazama entered. i was standing among the bodies, horrified by myself. "what did you do?" i couldn't speak. i wanted to throw up. "where are you from?" after a moment of silence kazama sighed and picked me up. "i guess we'll worry about that later."

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