Coconut Oil

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I honestly can't stress enough how amazing this stuff is!! It's a natural, multi-purpose remedy.

Here are my favorite things to use it for:

-Skin (makeup removing, cleansing, moisturizing, sun care, rashes)

For makeup removing, I take a little bit on my fingers, warm it up on my hands, spread it all over my face, then wipe it off. You may have to repeat this step again. This cleanses and moisturizes at the same time!! I also put it on the rest of my body, and it leaves me with a healthy-looking glow. For sun care, you can apply this before going outside. Keep in mind that this is only useful when the sun isn't harsh, so I don't recommend using this on the beach where the sun is really bright and hot. It also leaves you with a nice tan. For a sun burn, apply it to the burned area and let it soak in. It's really effective. This is the same for rashes. Apply the oil whenever the rash begins to itch or burn- unlike medicine, you can use as much as you want as often as you want.

-Hair (oiling, lash & brow growth)

Apply some coconut oil to your hair. I talk more about the oiling process in Caring for My Mind and Body, so check that out for more information. Leave it in for at least 1 hour- the longer you leave it in, the better. Wash it out by shampooing twice. You can use conditioner, too. For lashes, you can apply some oil with your finger or a mascara wand overnight. You should see results within a couple of weeks if you use it every night. This is very important if you wear mascara. If you condition your hair, think about how brittle your lashes are when you curl them and put drying mascara on them. They need a treatment, too! If you get it in your eyes, it's not harmful, but the oil can blur your vision, so it's just annoying. or brows, apply a tiny bit of coconut oil to your brows. You can add it to a brow gel like I did.

-Oil pulling

 Put a teaspoon of oil in your mouth, let it melt, and swish it around for 10-15 minutes. This will whiten and strengthen your teeth. DO NOT SWALLOW. It has bacteria from your mouth, so that wouldn't be a good idea.

I'll probably add on to this, but that's all for now!! Tell me what you tried and if it worked for you!!

Let me know if you have any questions.

Love you guys!!

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