Green Tea

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Green tea is my favorite drink ever!! It's super healthy and full of antioxidants.

Here are some amazing benefits of green tea:


Regular consumption of green tea can help with lots of skin problems. You can also apply cooled green tea to your skin to help with acne.


You can use this as a hair rinse to help with hair growth. Scientists found that green tea contains the antioxidant "EGCG" (or epigallocatechin gallate) that can stimulate hair growth.

-Weight loss

You don't need to drink a ton- Just about 2 cups a day should do it. One in the morning with breakfast or right before lunch, then another right before dinner. Do not drink it on an empty stomach- it can upset it. Don't use a lot of sugar. A little bit is okay, but too much will make your weight loss plan ineffective. I love adding honey to green tea. Honey is antibacterial and has lots of antioxidants. Honey is a topic for another time, though.

Thanks for reading!! Let me know if you tried any of these and if it worked out for you!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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