Summer Camp

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        {Cody's Pov} 

    I stare out the window of my mothers car and start to get lost in thought. I am a little confused why I had to go to a stupid summer camp, it was only 2 weeks long. Maybe my parents want me out of the house, or they are gonna leave me there, what if I don't  make any friends, I'll be all alone.

"Cody! Cody we are here!" My mother chimes.

"hm where, oh yeah...uhm bye" I grab my stuff and walk off without saying anything else.

I look around, it's kinda nice actually, it's quiet. I start walking around I see a large tree. I sit down slowly beside it and let out a big sigh.  

"Your parents send you here too?" I heard a tan kid ask.

Well of course I was startled so I couldn't help but jump a little, I mean if you were just relaxing behind a tree, when it's very quiet, and you all "alone", and suddenly you hear a voice your going to get startled. 

"Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you, I'm Noah" he said in a flat tone not looking up from his book.

"it's okay, I...I'm Cody" I smiled a little.

a/n I'm sorry this is so short but i just don't know if I should continue or not comment what you think please. This is  my first so sorry it's so bad.

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