Rainy Day

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"N-noah can...can you do me a favor...?" Cody scratches his neck

"What is it?" I ask knowing I'm going to do it anyway

"Can you get me my back pack from my cabin please?" cody gives him his gapped toothed smile

"You want me to get YOUR back pack, two cabins away, in the rain?" I ask and raise an eyebrow 

"Y-yeah....unless you really don't want to I mean...you don't-" I cut him off

"I'll be back Nerd." I say as I walk away in the rain.

I walk to his cabin already completely soaked, I can't believe I'm doing this. I would never do this kind of thing for anyone, so why am I doing it for him? I shake the thought away and walk inside his cabin, I look around, all I seem to see are bunches of mountain dew cans, candy wrappers, clothes, and then I find the bag. I walk to it carefully dodging mountain dew cans and dirty clothes. I grab the bag and walk out. I am alarmed to see someone walking towards me, I squint to see who it is, It's cody.

" I thought this my be helpful" he smiles and covers both of us with the protection of an umbrella.

I just stared at him confused and kept walking, Why is he being nice to me? Is he really this desperate for friends, Why would anyone wanna hang out with me? I look away then back at him. He smiles and keeps walking, I can't look away. He just keeps smiling his gapped tooth smile and walking. In this moment I knew the true meaning of perfect, there is no ignoring it, no escaping the fact that....Cody is perfect.

a/n Sorry for this short piece of crap, hope you liked. I posted as soon as I could. I took a 2 hour nap so sorry. I'll be trying to post as much as I can. If you have any ideas just let me know, i'll try to write them. Bye!!

Why can't I stop thinking about you?...( Noco )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant