Just A Cold

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{ Noah's POV }

I looked up from the current book I was reading. The first thing I noticed about him was the gap between his teeth, it made him look like a five year old. The second thing I noticed was his shiny teal eyes, that reminded me of the ocean. I shook my head and looked back at my book.

"Nice to meet you Cody" I kept my eyes on the book

"Nice to meet you too!" he chimed happily 

"Why are you so happy?" it didn't take my inner jerk long to kick in.

"I don't know, I guess it's just I have an actual chance to make friends" 

He sounded more sad and alone, it made me feel empathy, something I don't feel very often. I thought to myself pretending to read. "How did he do that? You could watch a video of a animal dying and you wouldn'y care" I didn't know what to say, do I offer to be his friend, do I make fun of him like I normally would.

"If.....you ever uhm need someone to hang out with I'm here" I said flatly 

"Really! Thank you!" he said happily and hugged me.

I kept my eyes one my book and I felt my face start to get a little warm.

No Noah you can't be blushing! No it's just warm, maybe you're getting a cold! 

"uhm yeah no problem" I said and moved a little.

After a few minutes he pulled away and sat next to me, he looked at my book surprised.

"What are you reading?" he asked as if he cared.

"Uhm it's called why do you care" I spat out rolling my eyes.

"I'm just trying to be social and nice geez!" he laughs a little.

I'm not used to anyone laughing at my sarcastic and rude jokes, it makes me smile a little.

"Well being social sucks, and being nice gets you no-where" I said still trying to read.

"Well being rude and sarcastic doesn't get you any farther, does it?" he covers his mouth quickly.

For some reason I burst out in laughter, if anyone else would've said that I'd kill them, why is he any different. Cody started laughing too. After a while we stopped laugghing and I got up.

"I guess it doesn't" I walk away, I head to my cabin and lay my stuff on the bed.

"Well guess there's nothing else to do but sleep" 

I lay down and and close my eyes, within 30 seconds I'm out cold. 

a/n sorry these are so bad and short. Anyway please comment what you think.  

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