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     All of their troubles first began when the8 had to go to the restroom. Seventeen had just woke up about an hour ago and now they were rushing to the airport so they cannot miss their next flight back to Seoul. They had a concert there in about three more days and they need to practice as much as they can.

"Hyung can you please come with me to the restroom" the8 begged Jun pulling him aside while the others basically rushed onto the plane.

  Sighing, Jun wasn't happy at all. First of all he was still tired and second why the hell did Minghao asked him of all people to accompany him to the restroom?

  Life wasn't fair.

"Urgh hurry I want to get a good seat by the window" he said rolling his eyes when Minhao hauled him along to the potty. It took longer than he would have thought because it turns out the other boy also had to crap his brains out. And the smell wasn't pretty at all.

  Jun pratically ran out of there so fast that he would have easily put Bolt to shame.

"Ok let's go" he said to Minghao as they grabbed their luggage to board the plane.

  But they were immediately stopped by secruity when they tried to walk past the gate to the platform.

  "Sorry boys but this plane has already left"

"What!" Jun screamed furiously because this was bad. This couldn't be true or otherwise their manager will have their heads off.

"It left like twenty minutes ago so you boys are going to have to book another flight" explained Security.

   Jun felt like he was going to faint. Before he could Minghao brought them over to a bench so they could sit down.

"Hyung please calm down. It's going to be okay" said Minghao trying to be comforting when in reality he was doing a crappy job.

  If anything Jun wanted to punch him because it was his fault that this was happening. If he hadn't ate that extra serving of kimchi then they wouldn't be in this mess right now.

  "It's not going to be okay because Manager Hyung has all of the funds. I only have twenty dollars left which is only enough for a taxi but other than that we're screwed"

"Then how about we call the boys?" suggested Minghao carefully but it only made Jun snort out in anger.

"They won't answer because they are thousand of feet up in the air on a many hour flight"

"So what do we do now?" Minghao sounded scared and helpless.

   Jun didn't blame him because he was starting to feel that way too.

"We'll catch a taxi and hope to beat this morning rush hour. Atlanta can get a lot of traffic so we better move now"

"Ok Hyung" said Minghao and together they pulled their luggage and caught a taxi.

  The told the driver to drop them off a certain location but they didn't have enough money for the entire fare. So he dropped them off where their money ended at and that was in the hood.

   When they got out they huddled tight against each other because they heard a gun shot go off in the distance and someone was running down the street naked.

"Where are we?" asked Minghao muttering a pray in mandarin because a guy was looking at them all mean. Jun thought they were going to get the mess beat out of them.

"I dunno but we need to get the hell out of here" Jun said and he led them through series of unknown streets. A lot of people were beginning to take notice of them now.

  I guess it wasn't every day that you saw pampered chinese boys on the wrong side of ATL.

"Hyung I think we're lost"

"No shit you idiot!"

"Hyung why is that woman looking at us like we're naked?"

There was indeed a woman staring them down. She was a creepy old lady that looked like she wanted to have them for breakfast.

"Run Minghao!" Jun shouted and they  both took off in a heavy sprint. Jun wasn't paying attention where he was going which explains why he bumped into somebody.

  She was a woman around their age. Her glasses were askew as she stared at them with her wide brown eyes. Her dark brown skin glistened with sweat in the early sunlight.

"Watch where you fools are going!" She told them rudely dusting off her clothes.

   She gave them one last glare before she started to walk off.

"Wait" he said and she did.

"Can you please help us? We're not from around here"

"I can tell one of you guys is wearing a gucci shirt and jacket" she snorted somewhat impressed at the outfit.

"So will you help us?" Jun continued hoping she would cave in to his request.

"Nope I don't feel like being in a helping mood right now. I'm out" she says walking again but stop at Jun's next words.

"Will five grand change your mind?" He said and smiled when the woman stared in disbelief.

"Are you forreal?"

"Yes I am"

"Then on second thought homeboy follow me and bring you little friend before you both have heart atracks"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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