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Part 4-


Deep Forest

Inside a hut

King Siddhant is shown narrating the incident to witch Vishakha...She keenly listens the words...

Siddhant : I never wanted to scare or hurt her, but here I did all that...I don't think after this she...

Vishakha: Maharaj, you didn't do any wrong...I can see your love is true for her...

Siddhant : But now I don't think so I will ever be able to meet her as...

Vishakha: To me it's love from both sides...Princess is caught up and for her you are her enemy right now...

Siddhant : Is it?...

Vishakha: Yes Maharaj I am very sure about that...Afterall my prediction can never go wrong...But I am seeing something else too...

Siddhant : What?...

Vishakha: Yes Maharaj...As I can see whole UNIVERSE wants you and Princess together...Apart from me, there is someone who wants to see you and Princess together...

Siddhant : Who it can?...

Vishakha: Mark my words Maharaj- YOU AND PRINCESS ARE TRULY MADE FOR EACH OTHER!!!...

King Siddhant feels light hearing witch Vishakha's words...



Rajgadh Palace

King Baldev and Queen Satrupa are shown having breakfast...Servant serves them...

Satrupa: Maharaj any news about yesterday's incident?...

Baldev: No Maharani not yet...But what if it's just Ro's illusion?...

Satrupa: It can be...But what if it's real?...If she saw, means it must be...

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