Term 5

91 5 4

Any last minute book submissions should be PMed ASAP if you hit the ten point limit and want to be listed for this term. Please do remember that, to be listed, you need to reach the 10 point limit for this term. Check 'Members & Point Total' for more information. Any comments given to books not listed here for this week will not be awarded.

TERM 5 DURATION: Saturday July 14th, 18:00 GMT–Saturday July 21st, 20:00 GMT


BOOK TITLE: All Ends With Black [#1 R-A] by K44RGO
GENRE(S): Paranormal, Thriller
RATING: Not Mature. No Triggers.
SYNOPSIS/PITCH: Civil war divided the city of Aden. Hidayat, in desperation to escape the famine, attempted to take his own life. However, lost to a world anchored between life and death, the realm beyond the curtains in no safer. A wall divides his hometown, and those rejected from the heavens fight to regain territory; to survive is to submit, but a dictator known as Fourteenth promises a revolution. But surviving in a world of murder and human trafficking is nigh impossible—especially when those who can no longer die make valuable military conscripts, and Hidayat is one of them.
FEEDBACK PREFERENCE: Structural reviews (pacing and progression); content reviews (characterisation and description) are also fine


BOOK TITLE: Things Not Subject To Gravity by MichaelShivaSurya
GENRE(S): Mystery/Thriller
RATING: Not Yet Mature. No Triggers.
SYNOPSIS/PITCH: An eccentric metaphysical thriller, embedded with questionable personalities and teachings for the spiritual growth, opening the door to the exoteric world and holding the key to make all the mysteries disappear.
FEEDBACK PREFERENCE: Detailed feedback about the writing, plot and characters


Remember to either PM or comment (on this chapter) the books and the amount of chapters of each you have completed by the end of this term! You are in no way obligated to review all books on this page, review an equal amount of chapters on each, or stick with solely one story. Abstaining from this term is also acceptable.


All information on forms can be changed by PMing @SafariBC. If there's any questions, also PM @SafariBC, or ask on the 'Welcome' chapter of this book.
If you are listed here, please do note you will still have to reach the ten point threshold to be relisted next term. If you join mid-term, you do not have to wait until the next term to begin.
Do note that not everything in this book club is 100% complete and things are open to change in the future.

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