Chapter Three

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"Hello, my name is Conan. What's your name?"

The lighting was low in the interrogation room, Conan sitting face-to-face with the suspected man. The man was restrained to the table so he couldn't move. Captain Fowler, Gavin, and two other officers were watching in the observing area behind the one-way window. When Conan asked about the man's name, there was no response.

Here was the plan. Conan would have a gentler and calmer approach to begin the interrogation. If the man refused to speak, he would have to resort to hostility and aggression. Hopefully, the man would just confess everything and he wouldn't have to resort to that, but things didn't usually go as planned during interrogations.

Conan leaned forward slightly, narrowing his blue eyes at the man. "Why did you do it?"

"I did nothing." The man responded almost immediately. "It was all a set up. I'm innocent I tell you, I'm-"

"If you are innocent, why were you in the same house as the victim?"

"It was all a set up. They put me there so they wouldn't be caught. I allowed them to follow their plan, I would do anything to assist them." The man confessed.

"Who's them?" Conan pressed on.

The man shook his head. "I can't tell you."

Aggression. Conan suddenly stood up, slamming his hands down on the table and causing it to trembling slightly. The man flinched from the quick and sudden movement.

"Answer the question, sir, or else a little startle is not the only thing that will make you feel fear." Conan's voice was suddenly cold and icy, his startling blue eyes unsympathetic.

The man shook his head. "I-I can't tell you!"

Conan moved to the side of the table where he was closer to the man. "You won't have to worry about that if you don't speak up, believe me. I have been specially programmed to know various interrogation methods that will surely make the accused crumble under pressure and confess everything. I don't want to use force, sir, but I will have to resort to doing so if you do not cooperative."

The man was trembling, Conan could detect a raised stress level. When he didn't speak, Conan slammed his hands down on the table again, much more forcefully this time.

"This isn't looking too good for you currently, sir. Either way, you're going to end up behind bars. You might as well make it easier for yourself if you cooperate now. Perhaps I may even convince the officers to shorten your prison sentence, but that is only if you decide to cooperate with me."

The man was still silent. Conan moved swiftly, grabbing him up by the collar of his ragged shirt. The android met the man's eyes, his gaze intense.

"I have attempted to approach your interrogation with quietude. I was willing to continue that method of approach, but I can now see that you are not willing to communicate." His voice was deathly quiet and ominous, like a snake sneaking on its prey and ready to strike. The lethal bite was now.

Conan released the man, allowing him to sink back in the chair. He slowly pulled down his jacket slightly, the glint of metal poking out of his sleeve. A serrated tip.

A knife.

"How the fuck-" Gavin started, moving forward.

"Silence, Gavin." Fowler ordered, leaning forward slightly. "Let's see how good your android is at handling this."

The interrogated man stared at Conan's weapon, leaning away from the android. "What are you going to do with that?"

Conan gave the man a slight smirk, pulling the knife out to reveal itself fully and setting it down gently on the table next to him. "This is only here for another approach, if you continue to be troublesome."

Level of stress: 37%

"Your stress level has risen from 20% to 37%." Conan reported, leaning forward against the table. "You're intimidated. Well, I won't have to use this method if you talked to me."

The man was silent for a few heartbeats before replying. "The Golden Talons." He replied shakily. "That's the group that set me up. They're the one that killed the man."

Gavin smirked. They finally got the information they needed. They could finally get the hell out of here-

"You're lying!" Conan shouted all of the sudden, rising from his chair. Gavin flinched. Conan's LED flickered, squinting his eyes. "My analysis shows that your heartbeat increased tremendously, and your eye movements indicate that you are not telling the truth. Give me the correct answer now!" His nonchalant demeanor was gone completely by now.

Though he hated to admit it, Gavin found Conan's interrogation methods very efficient. He was a little intimidated himself. The tin can was impressive, to say the most. Adequate, but somewhat impressive.

The man shifted uncomfortably, his plan to lie ruined. The man then banged his head against the table with extreme force suddenly, slumping against the surface.

Murmurs rose from everyone in the viewing area. Captain Fowler made a hand gesture, the two officers that was watching hurrying into the interrogation room. One of them lifted up the man's head slightly. Blood trickled down from the man's nose and he appeared to be unconscious.

The other officer began to release the man from his restraints to the table, Conan watching them while standing up and sliding in the chair. When the handcuffs were off the man snapped his head up, free from his restraints.

Time seemed to slow down. The man grabbed one of the officer's service weapon, pointing it at Conan and pulling the trigger. The bullet hit the android straight between the eyes, Conan falling back against the wall. The man then positioned the gun beneath his chin, firing. The man fell to the ground, red blood leaking out of his fatal bullet wound.

"Holy shit!" Gavin dashed into the interrogation room, looking between the two limp bodies. "Holy fucking.."

He kneeled down next to Conan's body, tilting his head so Gavin could see the damage. Thirium stained his fingers, the blue substance leaking out of the wound and trickling down to the stone cold ground. Gavin scowled, standing up and looking down at his blue-stained hands. Great, now it looked like he just murdered a smurf.

"Keep the man's body." Captain Fowler entered the room. "We can have Conan scan the man's body for any tattoos that may show what group he worked for."

Oh yeah, Conan could come back after he died. Gavin grumbled, exiting the room and heading out to the bathrooms to wash his hands.

Fucking androids, coming back after they died. How pathetic must they make humans look?

While washing the thirium off his hands, Gavin thought to himself bitterly, but he couldn't help but feel a small sense of relief once he knew Conan would be coming back.

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