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He turned around and looked at a really tired Kate. "Kate, I thought you was asleep!" "I was asleep, but I want you to sleep with me. Can you please?" She asked. He looked up at her and they both made eye contact. He saw the pain and love in her eyes, the eyes that he fell in love with. "How can I say no to the most beautiful girl on earth! Of course I will sleep with you!" He replied.  She blushed, making him fall in love with her even more. He put down the pillow and blanket in the chair and walked to the bed side and climbed on. He layed down, wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her in and gave her a soft but passionate kiss on the lips. "I love you, Kate." Told Rick. "I love you too, Rick." She pulled him in for another kiss, before cuddling with each other and falling fast asleep,  in each others arms.

Kate woke up to a pair of lips on her forehead. She opened her eyes and two beautiful ocean blue eyes were staring down at her. "Hey, beautiful," he said. "Hey, handsome," she said. "When can I go home, Rick?" She asked. "I don't know." He told her. "Do you want me to go and find out for you?" Kate nodded. "Yes please." Rick got up and kissed Kate on the lips. He then walked towards the door to go and went to find a nurse. When he came back, there was two nurses. " I heard that you wanted to go home?"said one nurse, sarcastically. Kate nodded. Both nurses checked Kate machine, what she was connected too.

"You look pretty well to go home." Said the other nurse. Kate was very happy. She got up out of bed, grabbed her clothes and walked to the bathroom. When she came out, Rick was waiting for her. "Are you ready to go, love?" Asked Rick. Kate nodded. She walked over to Rick and wrapped her arms around his neck, while Rick put his own arms around her waist. "You look beautiful, Kate." Rick stated. "You don't look bad yourself, Castle." Kate giggled and Rick smiled. Rick leaned in and placed his lips on Kate's, Kate kissed him back. They kissed for a moment, until Kate pulled away. "You know I love you, right?" "Well I do now!" Joked Rick. Kate slapped his arm. "Oww! That hurt!" Rick jokingly stated." "Awww, you poor baby." Rick gave a sad face and Kate laugh at it. "Come on, big baby, I want to go back home, our home." Kate smiled. Our home, as in her and Rick's home. Rick realised what she said. "Wait,-" Kate stopped in her tracks and looked at Rick. "-You just said 'our home' right?" Rick asked. Kate nodded. "Yes, why?" "You want to live we me?" Kate rolled her eyes. "Well, can I?" "Yes please Kate!!" "Well, ask the question then!!" So Rick asked the question. "Kate, will you do the honer and move in with me, please!! Pretty please!! With a cherry on top!!" Kate laughed!! "Of course! I will move in with you Rick!!" Told Kate! Rick was over the moon. He grabbed Kate by the waist and pulled her in for a big kiss on the lips.

She pulled away after a few moments. "Castle, can we go now please?" Rick nodded. He held out his hand for Kate to hold, which she did. They walked out the room, down the hallway and out the double doors. They walk to the car. Rick opened the car door for Kate. "Thank you, my prince." Joked Kate. Rick smiled. "You're welcome, my princess." This time Kate smiled. Once Kate got in the car, Rick closed it and walked to his side of the car. He hopped in and started the engine and then they were off. Wooshhh!

When they arrived at the loft they immediately started building a fort out of chairs, blankets, pillows, pegs and they put the TV with them so they can start watching movies while eating icecream and drinking wine. "Kate, are you and Josh, you know, a thing?" Kate shook her head. "No. I broke up with him and I've already told you this, Rick. At the hospital." She smiled at him. "Oh yeah, guess it just slipped my mind or I just wanted it all to be in the past  because you are mine now and you'll always will be mine. Forever and always." He kissed her forehead. Kate closed her eyes at the tingles shooting through her whole body. She then buried her face into his chest. Rick hugged her closer to himself. "Kate, are you okay?" he asked as Kate hugged him tighter. "I am now." Rick was confused. "What do you mean?" Kate looked up at him. "I am okay now because I have you here. You make me happy. You make me feel safe. You make me feel loved. You make me feel like everything is okay for me." She explained. Rick kisses her nose.

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